big5r.txt is delimited by CR not LF, and as R writes it as a binary file,
that's not the file that got saved.

Thanks. That was the problem. I was transferring the files from my Mac to my web server (also a Mac) using Interarchy. It was putting in CRs rather than LFs (the Interarchy options were "old Mac cr" vs. Unix (lf)"). Changing that transfer option makes it work.

Same problem with the header on big5r.

Try some octal dumps and find out which step is changing the file.

BTW, I would use load(url(someURL)) these days.

load(url(someURL)) works (once I fixed the transfer to the server), although I used the other form because I was following the help for load. Perhaps the ?load comments could be modified to suggest load(url(someURL)) instead of suggesting loadURL(someURL).

Thanks for the very rapid response.


On Mon, 10 May 2004, William Revelle wrote:

Dear list,

 I am trying to prepare a handout showing how to use R for factor
 analysis.  As part of the exercise I want to save a correlation
 matrix on a tutorial web page.  I can save with no problem (saving
 locally and then transferring to the web site).  Although I can
 load() the local file, I am having problems getting loadURL to read
 the remote file.   I have tried saving it as an ascii file or just
 using the default format.

Using R 1.9.0 on a Mac with OS 10.3

I first saved the file: save(big5r,file="big5r.txt",ascii=TRUE) and save(big5r,file="big5r") I can load either version from a local file using load().

 I then have moved these files to a webserver and tried to load them
 using the loadURL() command.

Using loadURL() I get the following message

#the default format
Error: restore file may be from a newer version of R -- no data loaded
>loadURL("";) #ascii format
Error: restore file may be from a newer version of R -- no data loaded

 I  can list the second file using a web browser and I can move the
 first file back to my machine and load it locally.
 My problem seems to be with loadURL.

Any help would be appreciated.


-- Brian D. Ripley, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595

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William Revelle Department of Psychology, Northwestern University
Personality Project:

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