Thank you for your earlier help, I have a couple of related questions.

With the lapply function, is it still possible to assign column names to
each column of every data frame, again I have tried and it doesn't seem to
like it..

and is it also possible to assign names to each data frame when I do
lapply rather than each one being a subset of a larger frame (I don't seem
to be able to attach these as individual objects).

Thanks again,

On Wed, 26 May 2004, Wolski wrote:

> Hi!
> 1.
> assuning that names is the vector with the names.
> try col.names=names instead of "names"
> 2.
> Several ways
> a)
> use
> lapply(listwithpathstofiles,read.tabel,remaining, options) //u will get it stored in 
> the list.
> b)
> or use for loop and append to list. mylist<-list()
> c)
> or look
> ?assing
> to generate several hundred objects in the envrovment.
> Sincerely Eryk
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 5/26/2004 at 12:51 PM Laura Quinn wrote:
> >I am using R-1.8.0 on Debian.
> >
> >I'm trying to read in a large table (1441*16) which currently has no
> >header line. I have set up a list of column names which is 16 names long.
> >
> >when i try the following:
> >
> >myfiledate.01<-read.table("filenamedate.01",row.names=NULL,col.names="names",na.strings="-999.00")
> >
> >I am returned with an error saying there are more columsh than column
> >names. I am sure I have done this successfully in the past so can't
> >understand the problem. I have done the read.table function without
> >specifying col.names and it works fine and i end up with a 1441*16
> >data.frame.
> >
> >Also as I have several hundred of these tables to read into R, all having
> >the same dimension and all having the same column names, is it possible to
> >automate R so they will all be read in at once - each table represents a
> >different days worth of data.
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Laura
> >
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> Dipl. bio-chem. Eryk Witold Wolski    @    MPI-Moleculare Genetic
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