Hallo Jonathan!
help.search("jpeg") is R users friend.

#search result.
Help files with alias or concept or title matching 'jpeg' using
regular expression matching:
                        Plot the components of the ouput of f.ica.fmri
                        to a series of jpeg files
bmp(graphics)           BMP, JPEG and PNG graphics devices
cat.picture(rimage)     JPEG picture of a cat
read.jpeg(rimage)       Read JPEG file
Type 'help(FOO, package = PKG)' to inspect entry 'FOO(PKG) TITLE'.

> ?read.jpeg

     This function reads a jpeg image file and return an imagematrix


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On 5/27/2004 at 1:21 PM Jonathan Williams wrote:

>Hi Helpers,
>Does anyone know how to read jpeg, bmp or png files into R? 
>I have some photos of brain scans and I want to quantify
>some aspects of their size. I might be able to do this
>with the 'locator' function, if I could figure out how
>to read the files in and make them into an image that
>I can display on the R Windows device. I have experimented
>with readBin, using a simple black-and-white line graph,
>but the numeric result appears to be much too complex for
>a simple line graph and I cannot see how to use image or
>contour to re-create the original jpeg image. Is there an
>R routine to do this?
>Thanks, in advance, for your help,
>Jonathan Williams
>Radcliffe Infirmary
>Woodstock Road
>Tel +1865 (2)24356
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