I am trying to put 3 dotcharts side-by-side with minimal space between
each.  Each chart is for a different variable, but the vertical axes are
the same. 
I want to have vertical axis labels on the lefthand chart but no
vertical axis labels on the other two. Plus, I would like very little
space between charts 1 & 2 and between charts 2 & 3.
I have one approach but am not too happy with the results. A stripped
down version of the code is below. Matrix A has the row labels (which
are about 20 characters long in the real data). Matrix A1 has no row
A <- matrix(1:12, ncol=3, byrow=F)
A1 <- A
dimnames(A) <- list(letters[1:4], letters[5:7])
dimnames(A1) <- list(rep("",4), rep("",3))
par(mfrow = c(1,3), mgp = c(1.75, 1, 0.5), mar = c(3, 0, 1.5, 0), oma =

Two questions:
(1) Is there a way with par or something else to make the charts closer
(2) With a lot of rows (45 in the real data) is there a way to control
row spacing (other than getting rid of some rows).
I checked the email archives but found no answers there or in the help
file. I have
Windows XP, 512 MB RAM
Richard Valliant, Ph.D.
University of Maryland
Joint Program for Survey Methodology
1218 Lefrak Hall
College Park MD 20742
FAX: (301) 314-7912

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