Also see SNOW (which simplifies parallel programming, sits on top of
rpvm, Rmpi, or a socket-based system).

Depends on whether you want parallelism on the:

1. User-level -- the libraries such as PVM, LAM-MPI, etc will help,
                 and there are various packages which provide an API
                 to those.

2. System-level -- then Condor, Sun Grid Engine / Maui scheduler, and
                   similar queueing/batching/allocation daemons will
                   help (computational grid software is usually a
                   generalization of this which adds authentication
                   and resource allocation).

3. Kernel-level -- then OpenMOSIX, BPROC, etc will help.

They are mostly orthogonal.  Mostly... :-).


Armin Roehrl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If you do some programming, you might want to look at MPI.
> R-extensions for MPI exist  (RMPI).
> It all depends a lot on what kind of usage you envisage of your cluster.
> Open-PBS is also a good batch system. Maybe you also want to
> look at Mosix, which is a modified linux system.
> Depending on what your ultimate computing ressources are,
> maybe also look at IBM's Globus toolkit.
> Parallel programming is fun. The world is inherently parallel!
> Ciao,
>     -Armin.
> ----------------------------------------
> Armin Roehrl,
> We manage risk
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