Marc Schwartz wrote:
On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 15:51, Gavin Simpson wrote:


Thanks Roger and Marc, for suggesting I use ./tools/rsync-recommended from within the R-patched directory.

This seems to have done the trick as make completed without errors this time round. The Recommended directory also contained the links to the actual tar.gz files after doing the rsync command, so I guess this was the problem (or at least related to it.) I'm off home now with the laptop to see if I can finish make check-all and make install R.

I have re-read the section describing the installation process for R-patched or R-devel in the R Installation and Administration manual (from R.1.9.0) just in case I missed something. Section 1.2 of this manual indicates that one can proceed *either* by downloading R-patched and then the Recommended packages from CRAN and placing the tar.gz files in R_HOME/src/library/Recommended, or by using rsync to download R-patched, and then to get the Recommended packages. The two are quite separately documented in the manual, and do seem to be in disagreement with the R-sources page on the CRAN website, which doesn't mention the manual download method (for Recommended) at all.

Is there something wrong with the current Recommended files on CRAN, or is the section in the R Installation & Admin manual out-of-date or in error, or am I missing something vital here? This isn't a complaint: I'm just pointing this out in case this is something that needs updating in the documentation.

All the best,


Perhaps I am being dense, but in reviewing the two documents (R Admin
and the CRAN sources page), I think that the only thing lacking is a
description on the CRAN page of the manual download option for the Rec

You would need to go here now for 1.9.1 Alpha/Beta which is where the
current r-patched is:

The standard links on CRAN are for the current 'released' version, which
is still 1.9.0 for the moment.

Yes, but having downloaded the contents of that directory (as VERSION indicated that R-patched was 1.9.1 alpha), the links to the source files for the Recommended packages or not present (obviously). And make doesn't seem to work without these links. The rsync approach places the package sources *and* the links in the correct directory.

So the instructions in the Admin manual are lacking a statement that you need to create links to each of the package sources in the following form name-of-package.tgz which links to name-of-package_version.tar.gz. As it stands, the instructions in the Installation & Admin manual are not sufficient to get the manual download method to work.

Procedurally, I think that the rsync approach is substantially easier
(one step instead of multiple downloads) and certainly less error prone.
Also the ./tools/rsync-recommended script is set up to pick up the
proper package versions, which also helps to avoid conflicts.

I agree - being a bit of a Linux newbie, I hadn't used rsync before. Seeing how easy it was to use this method of getting the required sources I will be using this method in future.




Gavin Simpson                     [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522
ENSIS Research Fellow             [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565
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