On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 10:12:45 +1000, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have setup R 1.9.1 on my Dell laptop running windows XP. I have
>installed it to C:\R\rw1091. Rgui runs fine, but Rcmd fails if run with
>parameters (i.e. install). The windows dialog box cheerfully says "R for
>Windows front-end has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are
>sorry for the inconvenience." Running the visual C++ debugger informs me
>that there is an unhandled exception in rcmd.exe. I have seen similar
>problems in R-help and have tried to follow the advice given, but the
>earlier problems occurred for Rgui.exe and were overcome by setting the
>HOMEPATH variable. I have tried this and set every variable possible to
>ensure no blank spaces appear in any of the paths. But still I get this
>error. Any further suggestions would be appreciated.

You don't mention your setup.  Have you followed the instructions in
readme.packages?  Rcmd INSTALL sets up environment variables, then
runs Perl.  I think it's pretty much equivalent to doing the sequence
below in a command shell.  Can you try those commands, and see if you
get an error?

set R_HOME=C:/R/rw1091
set R_VERSION=1.9.1
set R_OSTYPE=windows
set PATH=C:\R\rw1091\bin;your old path
set TMPDIR=c:/TEMP  (unless you already had TMPDIR set)
set PERL5LIB=C:\R\rw1091\share\perl;<old PERL5LIB value, if you had
set TEXINPUTS=C:\R\rw1091\share\texmf;<old TEXINPUTS, if you had one>

perl C:\R\rw1091/bin/INSTALL  <other command line args>

I think I got all the \ and / right, but I'm not certain.

Duncan Murdoch

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