Thanks for your quick answer but I don't see the escape character "\n" in 
"myFile" I see it on the result of my R command.

This is an extract of myFile:

# Capsis 4.1.3 generated file - Mon Jul 19 10:39:56 CEST 2004

weighting       id      date    x       y       z       calculated 
Date de 
débourrement    0.0     tree1   1998/365a       1.5     1.5     0.0     158 
Diamètre du 
tronc       0.0     tree1   0/0a    1.5     1.5     0.0 
0.0062422542832791805   0.007
Diamètre du 
tronc       0.0     tree1   1998/365a       1.5     1.5     0.0 
0.010381871834397316    0.011
Hauteur totale de 
l'arbre       0.0     tree1   0/0a    1.5     1.5     0.0     1.0     0

I don't know why "\n" appears in R.

A 10:40 19/07/2004 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>You should'nt see the escape character "\n" on "myfile".
>Try deleting with a text editor "\n"
>Alessandro Semeria
>Models and Simulations Laboratory
>Montecatini Environmental Research Center (Edison Group),
>Via Ciro Menotti 48,
>48023 Marina di Ravenna (RA), Italy
>Tel. +39 544 536811
>Fax. +39 544 538663

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