Hi Piet:

I considered an example based on the problem you posed.

How about:

# create three lists, catenate them to rows and then create a dataframe out of them
x <- c(0,1,2,10,11,12,13,14,15)
a <- c(15,0,6,1,3,0,8,15,10)
b <- c(817,119,524,96,700,66,559,358,283)
xab <- rbind(x,a,b)
xabdf <- as.data.frame(t(xab))
# now get the a/b values
abyb <- xabdf[,2]/xabdf[,3]

Arin Basu  

>Message: 1
>Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 13:17:42 +0200
>Subject: [R] a problem: factors, names, tables ..
>Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; delsp=yes; charset=iso-8859-1
>Hi all,
>I am *completely* lost in trying to solve a relatively simple task.
>I want to compute the relative number of occurences of an event, the data
>of which sits in a large table (read from file).
>I have the occurences of the events in a table 'tt'
>0  2 10 11 13 14 15
>15  6  1  3  8 15 10
>.. meaning that event of type '0' occurs 15 times, type '2' occurs 6 times
>Now I want to divide the occurence counts by the total number of events of
>that type, which is given in the table tt2:
>   0   1   2  10  11  12  13  14  15
>817 119 524  96 700  66 559 358 283
>Saying that event type '0' occurred 817 times, type '1' occurs 119 times
>The obvious problem is that not all events in tt2 are present in tt, which
>is the result of the experiment so that cannot be changed.
>What needs to be done is loop over tt, take the occurence count, and
>divide that with the corresponding count in tt2.  This corresponding tt2
>count is *not* at the same index in tt2, so I need a reverse lookup of the
>type number.  For example:
>event type 10:
>occurs 1 time (from table tt)
>occurs 96 times in total (from table tt2)  <- this is found by looking up
>type '10' in tt2 and reading out 96
>result: 1/96
>I have tried programming this as follows:
>tt <- table(V32[V48 == 0]) # this is taking the events I want counted
>tt2 <- table(V32) # this is taking the total event count per type
>df <- as.data.frame(tt) #convert to dataframe to allow access to
>type-numbers .. ?
>df2 <-  as.data.frame(tt2) #same here
>for( i in 1:length(tt) ) { #loop over smallest table tt
>       print("i:"); #index
>       print(i);
>       print( "denominator "); #corresponds to the "1" in the example
>       print(   df$Freq[i] );
>       denomtag = ( df$Var1[ i ] );    # corresponds to the "10" in the example,
>being the type number of the event
>       print("denomtag ");
>       print( denomtag );
>       print( "nominator: " );
>       print( df2[2][ df[1] == as.numeric(denomtag) ] );  #this fails ....
>       #result would then be somthing like :  denomitor / nominator
>The problem is that the factor names that are extracted in 'denomtag' are
>not usable as index in the dataframe in the last line.   I have tried
>converting to numeric using 'as.numeric', but that fails since this
>returns the index in the factor rather then the factor name I need from
>the list.
>Any suggestions .. ?   I am sure its dead simple, as always.
>Piet (Belgium)
>PS: please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Arindam Basu MD MPH DBI
Assistant Director
Fogarty International Program on Environmental Health in India
244 AJC Bose Road, Kolkata 700027
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