        I am trying to install affy package in R as follow:
        >R CMD INSTALL -l lib ~/rstuffs/affy_1.4.32.tar.gz

        Then I get an error at the end:
        Warning message:
        There is no package called 'Biobase' in: library(package, 
character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
        [1] "ProgressBarText"
        [1] "initialize"
        [1] "open"
        [1] "open"
        [1] "update"
        [1] "update"
        [1] "close"
        [1] "close"
        Error in getClass(Class, where = topenv(parent.frame())) :
                "MIAME" is not a defined class
        Execution halted
        /bioinfo/apps/lib/R/bin/INSTALL: line 1:   761 Broken pipe     cat 
        ERROR: execution of package source for 'affy' failed
        ** Removing '/home/sxv6413/rstuffs/lib/affy'

        I have also installed Biobase using the same command successfully 
but when i go into R and type library() to see all the available packages, 
I dont see Biobase package there.

            Am i missing something here?
        Since I am using Bioconductor, I also try to install packages 
using getBioC() but I still get errors like:

        Error in file(file, "r") unable to connect to 
'www.bioconductor.org' on port 80.
        If anyone has any advice on this, I will greatly appreciate.

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