Dan Bolser <dmb <at> mrc-dunn.cam.ac.uk> writes:

: On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
: >Dan Bolser <dmb <at> mrc-dunn.cam.ac.uk> writes:
: >
: >: 
: >: Is there an R wiki?
: >: 
: >: Looking at the huge amount of traffic on this list, I think wiki could be
: >: an exelet outlet for all the constructive enthusiasm here.
: >: 
: >: I don't think it would be too hard to port the existing R documentation
: >: (the stuff you get with the ?) onto a wiki system, then users could add
: >: their own examples and comments. 
: >: 
: >: Having distinct web page style organization would be easier to navigate
: >: than the mailing list archives. I like the online version of the R-docs,
: >: but I miss 'user comments' and I miss being able to fix trivial things.
: >: 
: >: The user contributed links could supply the best statistical online
: >: resources to supplement the R-documentation, with links to the relevant
: >: FAQ's and Tutorials supplementing the whole thing.
: >: 
: >: Now I have said it this sounds too good to not exist already... Anyone
: >: dumped the R-documentation onto a wiki system?
: >: 
: >: Given the capability of R to be integrated into web pages, this could be
: >: really really great. 
: >: 
: >: Cheers,
: >: Dan.
: >
: >There is one at
: >
: >http://fawn.unibw-hamburg.de/cgi-bin/Rwiki.pl?RwikiHome
: >
: >Unfortunately, no one seems to use it.
: I just added some pages... I think it would be great if people could get
: motivated to contribute to something like this. Its one of those cases of
: just getting the ball rolling...
: Do you think you can dump the existing R-docs into this wiki as a
: framework to get things going?
: So often I read the docks and think, now if only this linked here, and if
: only this example were more clear etc...
: After I solve my problem I want to fix the docs. Wiki would let me do
: that. 
: How about you host a 'best diff in 30 days' competition each month, and
: winning contributors could be announced on the list?
: Can we integrate R-embedded web pages into the wiki?

I certainly would be nice.  It has been mentioned before on the list before
but so far nothing has happened on that front.  BTW, the PHP language
documentation is good example of another language where this was done:


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