This is a problem with coda's mcmc summary method. I suspect it is in the spectrum0() call therein, but I don't know for sure.
For your immediate purposes you could extract the posterior density sample as a matrix from the mcmc object and manually compute quantities of interest.
Best, ADM
On Oct 31, 2004, at 3:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello All,
I'm trying to run a one-dimenional irt model using the packages MCMC and
coda on a rather large set of roll-call voting data with many missing
observations. Here's a sample of the code:
MCMCirt1d (Italy10, burnin = 1000, mcmc=50000, thin=100, verbose=TRUE,
theta.constraints = list(V549=1, V443=-1))
The MCMCirt1d command seems to work fine, but when I try to summarize the
output I get the following error message(s):
summary(Post10) Error: NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1) In addition: Warning message: Step size truncated due to divergence
My understanding is that this has something to do with the missing data,
though I don't know how to address this issue. Any help would be greatly
Thank you, Robin Best
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