O. Neto wrote:

Hi, Uwe.

    Thank you for help.

    Yesterday another R-user Mr. Ramasamy told me to do a simple program
such as (changing too the directories, now C:/minhadll/):

/*file conv.c*/

#include <R.h>
void printhello (){
  Rprintf("%s", "hello world\n");

    When I use C:\R\rw2000\bin>RCMD SHLIB -o c:/minhadll/meuteste.dll
 to compile this one. Below is the output.

C:\R\rw2000\bin> RCMD SHLIB -o c:/minhadll/meuteste.dll c:/minhadll/conv.c
making c:/minhadll/conv.d from c:/minhadll/conv.c
gcc   -IC:/R/RW2000/include -Wall -O2   -c c:/minhadll/conv.c -o
ar cr c:/minhadll/meuteste.a c:/minhadll/conv.o
ranlib c:/minhadll/meuteste.a
gcc  --shared -s  -o c:/minhadll/meuteste.dll c:/minhadll/meuteste.def
c:/minhadll/meuteste.a  -LC:/R/RW2000/src/gnuwin32  -lg2c -lR

    The result is " meuteste.dll"  located in C:/minhadll/meuteste.dll. Now,
talking about paths:
    I believe that I have make a correct way... but I'll list here to you:

SET PATH=C:\Rtools\;C:\Perl\bin\;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\R\rw2000\include\

I'd rather vote for set PATH=.;C:\Rtools;C:\Perl\bin;C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH%

Anyway, this doesn't seem to be the culprit.
Do you have the recommended tools in their most recent versions?

The last point might be your OS. I think nobody of the developers is working on non-NT based Windows versions (such as 95, 98, ME) these days.

Uwe Ligges

        Is it correct?
Thank you again for help me. I'm trying to do a dll for 3 weeks or more,
without a good result.

PS: The same error dyn.load appears

O. Neto

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