
Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
On Monday 29 November 2004 04:46, John Maindonald wrote:

The following works fine with the x11 device, though it
may well be that an initial plot is overwritten.  With a pdf
or postscript device, I get two plots, the first of which
still has the red border from having the focus, while the
second is the plot that I want.

        library(lattice); library(grid)
        plt <- xyplot(uptake ~ conc, groups=Plant, data=CO2)
        trellis.focus("panel", row=1, column=1)
        arglist$type <- "l"
        do.call("panel.superpose", args=arglist)

Should I be able to use panel.superpose() in this way?

Yes. The red border should be 'removed', but that's done by grid.remove and maybe it doesn't work on PDF devices.

It works, but it works by removing the red rectangle from the list of objects representing the scene and then redrawing the scene, hence a new page.


The solution is to use

trellis.focus("panel", row=1, column=1, highlight = FALSE)

(which happens automatically for non-interactive sessions).

The new abilities provided by trellis.focus() etc add
greatly to the flexibility of what can be done with lattice
plots.  The grid-lattice combination is a great piece of

Yes, it can be especially useful for tasks similar to identify(). Everything else can probably be done by clever enough use of the panel function (though perhaps not as naturally).


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