Here here!

Getting flamed for asking dumb questions on a public mailing list is all part 
of growing up and being a man/woman.  We've all been there, and quite frankly, 
even the most basic questions on R-Help get a decent answer from someone, and 
all for free, so who cares if you get a bit of rudeness or not!

Next we'll be seeing lawsuits being brought against people on R-Help for not 
being polite enough.  You couldn't make it up!


-----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Rolf Turner
Sent:   Wed 12/1/2004 5:52 PM
Subject:        [R] Re: Protocol for answering basic questions

I think that enough bandwidth has been expended on this topic.  Many
people have attempted, patiently, to explain why the protocol to
which the r-help list currently adhers is necessary and close to
optimal.  The thin-skinned whiners who wish to be told ``Yes, dear,
that was an ***excellent*** question'' are not going to listen to or
understand these explanations.  If they wish to take their business
elsewhere, let them.  They won't be missed.  (It will do them less
than no good, in the long run, to do so --- but that's their lookout.)

I don't know if there is a causative relationship, but this whiny
attitude is strongly reminiscent of the philosophy which seems to
prevail in most school systems in the English speaking world whereby
teachers dare not criticize students' work for fear of damaging their
self esteem.


                                        Rolf Turner
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P. S.  And here I was, all these years, thinking that
       ``self esteem'' was Italian for ``sauna''.

                                        R. T.

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