Mikkel Grum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Mikkel,

One way would be to use cat("\\section{", diseaseName, "}\n") with if
(sum(matrixz) > 0) within a for loop (or perhaps using one of the
apply family of functions (probably lapply?)).  To some extent this
by-passes the separation of code and documentation that literal
programming is about but I couldn't think of a better way to solve the
problem just now.  Sorry this is not a full worked example, but I'm
off to the pub now for a few pints to welcome 2005.


> Dear useRs,
> I'm writing regular survey reports using Sweave. Each
> report has several sections along the lines of:
> \section*{Disease X}
> <<MapX,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>=
> image(vectorx,vectory,matrixz)
> @
> Notes with or without Sexpr{a}.
> \vfill
> \pagebreak
> \section*{Disease Y}
> <<MapY,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>=
> ...etc.
> Often one or more of the diseases is not observed (all
> values in matrixz are 0), in which case I would prefer
> not to display the section at all.  Does any one no
> whether it is possible automate this with Sweave?
> Mikkel
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University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

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