Thank you Dr. Ripley and Christoph Buser for your explanations and

Using sep = " "  within scan worked within lines of my file, but then I
gained an NA record when wrapping from one line to the next (because the
linebreak character is no longer recognized as a sep?).  So, I'll
continue by ensuring each group I read ends at the end of a line (as
scan was designed), and by using scan without the sep option.

FYI, Here's how the NA showed up, each line is 800 numbers long:

>test4 <- scan(cn.test, n=1600, sep = " ")
>test5 <- scan(cn.test, n=1600)
[1]  81.00000  81.08746  81.89484  82.00000        NA 580.09030
> test5[797:803]
[1]  81.01944  81.62060  81.96495  82.00000  82.00000 567.91840

Thanks again.

>>> Prof Brian Ripley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/19/05 03:42AM >>>
This is because scan() has a private pushback.

1) Read the file a whole line at a time: I cannot see why you need to
so here nor in your sketched application.


2) Use an explicit separator, e.g. " " in your example.

scan() is not designed to read parts of lines of a file,

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Tim Howard wrote:

> R gurus,
> My use of scan() seems to be dropping the first digit of sequential
> scans on a connection. It looks like it happens only within a line:
>> cat("TITLE extra line", "235 335 535 735", "115 135 175",
> file="", sep="\n")
>> cn.x <- file("", open="r")
>> a <- scan(cn.x, skip=1, n=2)
> Read 2 items
>> a
> [1] 235 335
>> b <- scan(cn.x, n=2)
> Read 2 items
>> b
> [1]  35 735
>> c <- scan(cn.x, n=2)
> Read 2 items
>> c
> [1] 115 135
>> d <- scan(cn.x, n=1)
> Read 1 items
>> d
> [1] 75
> Note in b, I should get 535, not 35 as the first value. In d, I
> get 175.  Does anyone know how to get these digits?
> The reason I'm not scanning the entire file at once is that my real
> dataset is much larger than a Gig and I'll need to pull only portions
> the file in at once. I got readLines to work, but then I have to
> out how to convert each entire line into a data.frame. Scan seems a
> cleaner, with the exception of the funny character dropping issue.
> Thanks so much!
> Tim Howard
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