Does anyone know of another version of the Mcnemar test that provides:


1.  Odds Ratios

2.  95% Confidence intervals of the Odds Ratios

3.  Sample probability 

4.  95% Confidence intervals of the sample probability


Obviously the Odds Ratios and Sample probabilities are easy to calculate
from the contingency table, but I would appreciate any help on how to
calculate the confidence intervals.


Below is a simple example of the test, and the corresponding output with
the function mcnemar.test.


> xtabs(~PLC50.T1+PLC50.T2,data=LANCET.DAT)


PLC50.T1 0   1  

       0 464  22

       1   6   1

> mcnemar.test(xtabs(~PLC50.T1+PLC50.T2,data=LANCET.DAT))


        McNemar's Chi-squared test with continuity correction


data:  xtabs(~PLC50.T1 + PLC50.T2, data = LANCET.DAT) 

McNemar's chi-squared = 8.0357, df = 1, p-value = 0.004586




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