Regarding applying repeated measures to time series, the lme software in packages nlme and lme4 provide many options for doing that. The best discussion I know of this is Pinheiro and Bates (2000) Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS (Springer).

     hope this helps.  spencer graves

Christian Jost wrote:

From: Suresh Krishna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [R] comparing predicted sequence A'(t) to observed sequence
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


I have a question that I have not been succesful in finding a definitive
answer to; and I was hoping someone here could give me some pointers to
the right place in the literature.

A. We have 4 sets of data, A(t), B(t), C(t), and D(t). Each of these
consists of a series of counts obtained in sequential time-intervals: so
  for example, A(t) would be something like:

Count A(t):  25,    28,    26,   34   ......
Time (ms):  0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 .......

Each count in the series A(t) is obtained by summing the total number of
observed counts over multiple (say 50), independent repetitions of that
time-series. These counts are generally known to be Poisson distributed,
and the 4 processes A(t), B(t), C(t) and D(t) are independent of each other.

B. It appears on visual observation that the following relationship
holds; and such a relationship would also be expected on mechanistic

A(t) = B(t) + C(t) - D(t)

We now want to test this hypothesis statistically.

Because successive counts in the sequence are likely to be correlated,
isnt it true that none of these methods are valid ? Perhaps for other
reasons as well ?

a)Doing a chi-squared test to see if the predicted curve for A(t)
deviates significantly from the observed A(t); this also seems to not
take the variability of the predicted curve into account.

b)Doing a regression of the predicted values of A(t) against the actual
values of A(t) and checking for deviations of slope from 1 and intercept
from 0 ? Here, in addition to lack of independence, the fact that
X-values are not fixed (i.e. are variable) and the fact that X and Y are
Poisson distributed counts should also be taken into account, right ?

I would be very grateful if someone could point me to methods to handle
this kind of situation, or where to look for them. Is there something in
the time-series literature, for instance ?

This is a frequent problem I also encounter when wanting to compare two dynamic processes (e.g. temporal evolution of number of ants on two branches). To my knowledge there is no general statistical way to compare these two time series. But in your case you might try a repeated measure anova, e.g. to compare A(t) against B(t)+C(t)-D(t), put in a first column 'counts' the counts for A and then for B+C-D, in a second column 'time' the correspoding t, in a third column 'series' mark the A measures by "A" and the B+C-D measures by "BCD", then run an anova
summary(aov(counts ~ series:time + Error(series)))

This works if there are replicates of conditions "A" and "BDC", but I am not a statistitian and am not sure whether it applies to your case (though, you seem to have repetitions, so you might use this information instead of only looking at the sums).
For a hands-on example with behavioural data of mice (with or without treatment, 4 training session for each mouse, does treatment affect training) see
with the data in
(well, its in french, but the R formulas should be understandable ;-)

Well, as I said, I am not a statistitian, there might be a logical flaw in applying repeated measures anova to time series, if anybody out there sees one please tell us ;-)

Best, Christian.

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