I am working with a largish dataset of 25k lines and I am now tying to
use predict.
pred = predict(cuDataGlmModel, length + meanPitch + minimumPitch +
maximumPitch + meanF1 + meanF2 + meanF3 +  meanF4 +  meanF5 +
ratioF1ToF2 + rationF3ToF1  +  jitter + shimmer + percentUnvoicedFrames
+ numberOfVoiceBreaks + percentOfVoiceBreaks + meanIntensity +
minimumIntensity + maximumIntensity + ratioIntensity + noSyllsIntensity
+ startSpeech + syllables)
I keep on getting this error message 
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : numeric envir arg not of length one
To be quite frank I am at a bit of a loss to know where to start looking
to solve the problem.
Any help most welcome.

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