The first problem is that Material is undefined when you called se.contrast, as you removed it. This may work, but it certainly is not intentional and what variable gets picked up may not be predicted reliably.

The second is that I think you need R-devel which has some fixes.

However, I think this is an inappropriate analysis (which is why the older code trips up). Your analysis is equivalent to using the fixed-effects model Lab + Material on the means of each Material block. If there is something different about the replicates of the Material, this was a very poor design and so I suspect that is not what was done. It looks like a randomized block design with replication in the blocks, for which

aov(Measurement ~ Lab + Material, data = testdata)

is the appropriate analysis. In any case, there is no need of a multi-stratum analysis.

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Jamie Jarabek wrote:

I am having trouble getting standard errors for contrasts using se.contrast() in what appears to be a simple case to me. The following test example illustrates my problem:

Lab <- factor(rep(c("1","2","3"),each=12))
Material <- factor(rep(c("A","B","C","D"),each=3,times=3))
Measurement <- c(12.20,12.28,12.16,15.51,15.02,15.29,18.14,18.08,18.21,18.54,18.36

testdata <- data.frame(Lab,Material,Measurement)

test.aov <- with(testdata,aov(Measurement ~ Material + Error(Lab/Material)))

This gives me the desired ANOVA table. I next want to get the standard
errors for certain contrasts and following the help page for
se.contrast() I tried the following but I get an error:

Error in matrix(0, length(asgn), ncol(effects), dimnames = list(nm[1 + :
       length of dimnames [1] not equal to array extent

I have tested this on R 2.0.1 on Windows XP and Solaris and get the same
error on both systems. I am unsure as to what I am doing wrong here. Thanks for any help.

Jamie Jarabek

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