I tested in R versions 1.8.1 and 2, but doesn't works.
The attached plots can explain this. And mar isn't a
parameter to postscript command. If I use in par, it
doesn't affect the outpu.


 --- Uwe Ligges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cézar Freitas wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > I'm working with a short plot (3x3 inches), but
> the
> > results (via postscript command) are not nice. The
> lwd
> > command don't affect the lines (that are very
> large)
> > and the margins don't change using oma, mai, mar,
> ...
> > Below I put an example. Moreover, save the
> graphics
> > via postscript command isn't working well (see the
> > attached ps).
> > Thanks by the help,
> Setting lwd=0.5 works for me, as well as using
> par(mar=c(....))
> > Cezar Freitas.
> > 
> > #Example:
> > #data
> >   scores<-c(2.0, 0.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 2.0, 0.0,
> 5.0,
> > 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 5.0, 2.0,
> 3.0,
> > 3.0)
> >   q<-summary(scores)
> >   gra<-hist(scores, breaks=((0:11)/2-.2),
> plot=FALSE)
> >   yy<-ceiling(max(gra$counts)/10)*10
> >   yz<-yy/12
> > 
> > #plot via postscript
> >   postscript("test.ps", width=3, height=3,
> > horizontal=FALSE, family="Times", paper="special")
> par(mar=rep(1,4)+.1, lwd=0.5)
> >   hist(scores, breaks=((0:11)/2-.2), xlim=c(-1,6),
> > ylim=c(-yz,yy), main="scores", ylab="Freq",
> > xlab="math", cex.axis=.3, cex.main=.3, cex.sub=.3,
> > cex.lab=.3, mgp=c(1.5,.5,0))
> add lwd=0.5
> Uwe Ligges
> >   boxplot(scores, horizontal=1, add=1, at=-2*yz/3,
> > boxwex=1.5*yz, bty="n", axes=FALSE)
> >   points(q[4], -2*yz/3, col=1, pch="+", cex=.5)
> > 
> >   dev.off()
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >     
> >     
> >             
> >
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
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