Milos Zarkovic said the following on 2005-04-12 16:40:

I have recently started using R. For the start I have tried to
repeat examples from Milliken &  Johnson "Analysis of
Messy Data - Analysis of Covariance", but I can not replicate
it in R. The example is chocolate chip experiment. Response
variable vas time to dissolve chocolate chip in seconds (time),
covariate was time to dissolve butterscotch chip (bstime), and
type was a type of chocolate chip. Problem is that I obtain
different degrees of freedom compared to one in the book.
Could it be sum of squares problem (type III vs. type I)?
Milliken & Johnson use SAS for calculations and this
is program the used:

proc mixed data=mmacov method=type3; class type;
model time=type bstime*type/solution noint.

The PROC MIXED code above doesn't correspond to the R code below.

My R code is:


In your `lme' call, a random effect for each of the levels of `type' has been added to the model.

Since the analysis performed by PROC MIXED doesn't have any random effects it can be reproduced in R using the `lm' function. The results below match those of Milliken & Johnson p. 49 (using PROC MIXED) and the results on p. 43 (using PROC GLM).

> fit <- lm(time ~ bstime:type + type - 1, data = CCE)
> summary(fit)

lm(formula = time ~ bstime:type + type - 1, data = CCE)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
-16.982  -3.196  -0.250   1.400  21.694

                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
typeBlue M&M          17.9744    16.1923   1.110  0.27845
typeButton            21.5719    10.7832   2.001  0.05738 .
typeChoc Chip         16.9167    15.1673   1.115  0.27622
typeRed M&M           26.5760    13.1722   2.018  0.05545 .
typeSmall M&M         22.1977    29.0849   0.763  0.45310
typeSnow Cap           8.7000     9.4131   0.924  0.36495
bstime:typeBlue M&M    1.0641     0.6187   1.720  0.09887 .
bstime:typeButton      1.3352     0.3743   3.567  0.00164 **
bstime:typeChoc Chip   1.1667     0.7302   1.598  0.12373
bstime:typeRed M&M     0.5300     0.5564   0.953  0.35075
bstime:typeSmall M&M   0.1919     0.9881   0.194  0.84775
bstime:typeSnow Cap    0.9000     0.3999   2.250  0.03428 *
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Residual standard error: 8.196 on 23 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9774,     Adjusted R-squared: 0.9656
F-statistic:  82.8 on 12 and 23 DF,  p-value: 5.616e-16

and summary is:

Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
typeBlue M&M 18.0 18.5 0 0.97 NaN
typeButton 21.6 14.1 0 1.53 NaN
typeChoc Chip 16.9 17.7 0 0.96 NaN
typeRed M&M 26.6 16.0 0 1.66 NaN
typeSmall M&M 22.2 30.5 0 0.73 NaN
typeSnow Cap 8.7 13.1 0 0.67 NaN
bstime:typeBlue M&M 1.1 0.6 24 1.72 0.098
bstime:typeButton 1.3 0.4 24 3.57 0.002
bstime:typeChoc Chip 1.2 0.7 24 1.60 0.123
bstime:typeRed M&M 0.5 0.6 24 0.95 0.350
bstime:typeSmall M&M 0.2 1.0 24 0.19 0.848
bstime:typeSnow Cap 0.9 0.4 24 2.25 0.034

However in Milliken & Johnson all df are 23. Values (estimates) are almost identical, but there are some small differences in SE and t.



I obtain

                       numDF     denDF       F-value         p-value
type                    6              0             18.19             NaN
bstime:type         6            24               4.04              0.0061

but in the book it is:

                       numDF     denDF      F-value         p-value
type                    6             23               2.00 0.1075
bstime:type         6             23               4.04              0.0066

The tests reported by Milliken & Johnson are based on so called "Type III" sums of squares. If you want to reproduce these, try the `Anova' function in John Fox's indispensable `car' package.

> library(car)
> options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"))
> Anova(fit, type = "III")
Anova Table (Type III tests)

Response: time
             Sum Sq Df F value   Pr(>F)
type         805.13  6  1.9976 0.107510
bstime:type 1628.79  6  4.0412 0.006557 **
Residuals   1545.01 23
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

HTH, Henric

Data are at the end of the letter.

I am not sure what I did wrong.


Milos Zarkovic

Milos Zarkovic MD, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Institute of Endocrinology
Dr Subotica 13
11000 Beograd

Tel +381-63-202-925
Fax +381-11-685-357


Choc Chip,2,17,36
Blue M&M,3,28,60
Blue M&M,4,30,45
Red M&M,5,20,30
Choc Chip,6,29,51
Small M&M,7,30,25
Small M&M,9,32,25
Blue M&M,10,19,38
Blue M&M,11,33,48
Snow Cap,13,15,20
Blue M&M,14,19,34
Choc Chip,15,20,40
Blue M&M,16,24,42
Snow Cap,17,21,29
Red M&M,19,35,45
Small M&M,20,30,33
Small M&M,23,22,26
Snow Cap,24,16,23
Blue M&M,26,25,48
Choc Chip,27,14,34
Snow Cap,28,40,44
Blue M&M,30,28,48
Snow Cap,31,19,26
Snow Cap,32,21,29
Small M&M,33,32,30
Red M&M,34,16,32
Red M&M,35,19,47

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