Dear Marc,

Excellent, this is exactly what I was looking for. The only thing I had to change in your code was turning 'short.labels' into a factor.

Many thanks and best regards,


Marc Schwartz wrote:
Building on Tom's reply, the following should work:

labels <- factor(paste("This is a long label ", 1:10))

[1] This is a long label 1 This is a long label 2 [3] This is a long label 3 This is a long label 4 [5] This is a long label 5 This is a long label 6 [7] This is a long label 7 This is a long label 8 [9] This is a long label 9 This is a long label 10
10 Levels: This is a long label 1 ... This is a long label 9

short.labels <- sapply(labels, function(x) paste(strwrap(x,

10), collapse = "\n"), USE.NAMES = FALSE)


[1] "This is\na long\nlabel 1" "This is\na long\nlabel 2" [3] "This is\na long\nlabel 3" "This is\na long\nlabel 4" [5] "This is\na long\nlabel 5" "This is\na long\nlabel 6" [7] "This is\na long\nlabel 7" "This is\na long\nlabel 8" [9] "This is\na long\nlabel 9" "This is\na long\nlabel 10"

mp <- barplot2(1:10)
mtext(1, text = short.labels, at = mp, line = 2)


Marc Schwartz

On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 16:14 +0700, Jan P. Smit wrote:

Dear Tom,

Many thanks. I think this gets me in the right direction, but concatenates all levels into one long level. Any further thoughts?

Best regards,


Mulholland, Tom wrote:

This may not be the best way but in the past I think I have done something like

levels(x) <- paste(strwrap(levels(x),20,prefix = ""),collapse = "\n")


-----Original Message-----
From: Jan P. Smit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 14 April 2005 11:48 AM
Subject: [R] Wrapping long labels in barplot(2)

I am using barplot, and barplot2 in the gregmisc bundle, in the following way:

barplot2(sort(xtabs(expend / 1000 ~ theme)),
   col = c(mdg7, mdg8, mdg3, mdg1), horiz = T, las = 1,
   xlab = "$ '000", plot.grid = T)

The problem is that the values of 'theme', which is a factor, are in some cases rather long, so that I would like to wrap/split them at a space once they exceed, say, 20 characters. What I'm doing now is specifying names.arg manually with '\n' where I want the breaks, but I would like to automate the process.

I've looked for a solution using 'strwrap', but am not sure how to apply it in this situation.

Jan Smit

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