On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Robin Schroeder wrote:

> Dear R-list,
> I am trying to do a relatively simple manipulation in R on a dbf file and 
> then write the dbf file back out the file system. Here are the commands:
> (load the foreign library package) 
> union <- read.dbf("C:/ITRSampleData/fromGrass/union.dbf", as.is=FALSE) 
> attach(union) 
> union$wu_fract <- area_union*a_SUM/a_area_tor 
> detach(union) 
> write.dbf(union, "C://ITRSampleData/fromR/union_postR.dbf") 
> after I run the last command, Windows tells me that R has encountered a
> problem and needs to shut down. It also asks if I want to report the
> problem to microsoft... R then shuts down completely.
> I have tried this with the factor2char=TRUE and FALSE, with the same result. 
> I checked is.data.frame(union) and it is true.
> An empty dbf file is created in the correct place, so I know R has
> access/permissions and my file path is correct.
> I have used the write.dbf command in a number of other places and have
> never run into this problem.

Please state the version of the foreign library you are using, update
foreign to 0.8-7, and try again. There were two bugs in write.dbf() up to
0.8-5, one when a column of the data frame was all 0 and the other when a
column was all NA. Also please do summary(union$wu_fract) - I suspect it
is either all 0 or NA. 0.8-7 guards against both of these problems, which
are in code trying to work out the appropriate width of the output DBF

> I am running R 2.0.0 on windows xp.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Robin Schroeder
> > Robin Tori Schroeder (formerly Schoeninger)
> > International Institute for Sustainability 
> > P.O. Box 873211
> > Arizona State University
> > Tempe, Arizona 85287-3211
> > Phone: (480) 727-7290
> > 
> > 
> >
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