On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 06:32 +0100, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Apr 2005, Marc Schwartz wrote:
> > On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 13:04 -0700, Waichler, Scott R wrote:
> >
> > I did find that there seems to be at least four CRAN packages:
> >
> > 1. PHYLOGR
> > 2. sfsmisc
> > 3. survrec
> > 4. vardiag
> >
> > that seem to have problems with UTF-8 locales. If I run help.start() in
> > my default locale of en_US.UTF-8, I get the following for each of the
> > above packages:
> >
> >> help.start()
> > Making links in per-session dir ...
> > Error in gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case, extended, fixed) :
> >        input string 28 is invalid in this locale
> >
> > The number of the input string does change. I believe that the above
> > error occurs within make.packages.html().
> >
> > If I change to LANG=C, the above packages do not cause problems, so
> > perhaps they need to be updated for R 2.1.0.
> >
> > I'll drop a separate e-mail to each of the package authors above.
> They have non-ASCII titles in their help files.  This issue is resolved 
> for R-patched:
>      o        make.packages.html() called by help.start() was failing if
>       there were installed packages with titles invalid in the
>       current locale.
> However, there are further layers of incompatibility, and those will be 
> dealt with in 2.2.x, as far as possible (there is no way to display German 
> in a Chinese locale on Windows 98, for example).

Prof. Ripley,

Thanks for your reply. I had been running Version 2.1.0 Patched
(2005-04-20) when these problems appeared.

I updated to Version 2.1.0 Patched (2005-04-28) this morning and the
problem has indeed resolved with each of the above packages.

Martin (the author of sfsmisc) sent me an e-mail indicating that he had
uploaded a new version to CRAN a few days ago to resolve the problem.
The last time that I had run update.packages() was earlier in the week,
probably just before he made the new version available.

I'll follow my note to the package authors/maintainers with an update on

Best regards,


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