hec.data <-array(c(5,15,20,68,29,54,84,119,14,14,17,26,16,10,94,7),
               dimnames=list(eye=c("Green","Hazel", "Blue", "Brown"),
               hair=c("Black", "Brown", "Red", "Blond")))
dfr <- as.data.frame(as.table(hec.data))
your.dfr <- data.frame(eye=rep(dfr$eye,dfr$Freq),hair=rep(dfr$hair,dfr$Freq))

-----Original Message-----
From: Muhammad Subianto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:38 AM
To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R] Change the result data

Dear R-helper,
I have a data like:

hec.data <-array(c(5,15,20,68,29,54,84,119,14,14,17,26,16,10,94,7),
               dimnames=list(eye=c("Green","Hazel", "Blue", "Brown"),
               hair=c("Black", "Brown", "Red", "Blond")))
 >     as.data.frame(as.table(hec.data))
     eye  hair Freq
1  Green Black    5
2  Hazel Black   15
3   Blue Black   20
4  Brown Black   68
5  Green Brown   29
6  Hazel Brown   54
7   Blue Brown   84
8  Brown Brown  119
9  Green   Red   14
10 Hazel   Red   14
11  Blue   Red   17
12 Brown   Red   26
13 Green Blond   16
14 Hazel Blond   10
15  Blue Blond   94
16 Brown Blond    7
I want to extract like,
Green Black
Green Black
Green Black
Green Black
Green Black
Hazel Black
Hazel Black
Hazel Black
Hazel Black
Brown Blond
Brown Blond
Brown Blond
Brown Blond
Brown Blond
Brown Blond
Brown Blond

How can I do it.
Thanks you for your help.

Best regards,
Muhammad Subianto

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