Sebastian Luque wrote:

I'm trying to write a function using tcltk to interactively modify a plot
and gather locator() data. I've read Peter's articles in Rnews, the help
pages in tcltk,,
plus a post in R-help sometime ago, but haven't found a solution.
The idea goes something like this:

testplot <- function() {
  getcoords <- function(...) {
  x <- 1:1000
  y <- rnorm(1000)
  plot(x, y)
  base <- tktoplevel()
  loc.pts <- tkbutton(base, text = "Get coordinates", command = getcoords)
  quit.but <- tkbutton(base, text = "Quit",
                       command = function() tkdestroy(base))
  tkpack(loc.pts, quit.but)

I'd like testplot to return the value from getcoords. The "Get
coordinates" button seems to be correctly calling getcoords, and locator
is doing its job, but I don't know how to store its value. Any help is
very much appreciated.

You can do this with local functions.  For example,

 testplot <- function() {

   coords <- NA

   getcoords <- function(...) {
     coords <<- locator(5)
   x <- 1:1000
   y <- rnorm(1000)
   plot(x, y)
   base <- tktoplevel()
   loc.pts <- tkbutton(base, text = "Get coordinates", command = getcoords)
   quit.but <- tkbutton(base, text = "Quit",
                        command = function() tkdestroy(base))
   tkpack(loc.pts, quit.but)
   return(function() coords)

This stores the results in a variable named coords in the testplot frame. testplot itself returns a function that can read that value. You'd use it like this:

lastval <- testplot()

## do some button clicking...

lastval()   # will print the result of the last click.

This is one of the somewhat weird but very nice features of R. S-PLUS doesn't work this way.

Duncan Murdoch

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