I agree that a wiki to facilitate submission of graph code could be very effective! Still needs to be well protected against vandalism. Seems a regular backup, to facilitate a clean restore, is the best approach.

Romain, would you be willing to set up a wiki within the gallery. Think the wiki and gallery should be close to each other in cyber space!

I use DokuWiki privately and it works wonders.

Guess the database design will require a bit of thought. For each graph it should be possible to enter multiple categories and sub-categories. then the gallery interface should dynamically build galleries using these categories. Not sure if you would want to create 'meta' categories to facilitate multiple categorization approaches!?

We could start with a limited list such as suggested by Chris to populate the gallery in the first instance.

Pleased to see this progress!!


Chris Evans wrote:
On 6 Jun 2005 at 17:48, Sander Oom wrote:
... much snipped ...
The whole point of a gallery is to show something to the user before
the user knows what he is looking for. The R help functions currently
available are hopeless when you have a picture of a graph in your head
without knowing the required commands.
... much snipped ...

Belief that good graphics are often as important or more important than inferential tests or even CIs was one of the reasons I've moved over the last 15 years from SPSS (still use it a bit 'cos most colleagues do) through SAS (much better, much better graphics) to S+ (same but more so) to R (same and FLOSS!)

The demo graphics and the gallery are wonderful visual arguments for R and also great resources to help us learn. Categories that I think might be useful sometimes might be: describes one variable where that is:
                dichotomous, categorical (n(categories) > 2), polytomous 
                        polytomous (many levels), or continuous (might allow 
something on
                        superimposing different referential distributions
        describes relationship between two variables where:
                both are dichotomous or polytomous
                one is ditto, other is continuous (box & violin etc: very 
useful to
see good e.g.s of how to get most appropriate boxplots as it's always possible to get good ones but not always obvious)
                        (pointer to back-to-back histogram in Hmisc here)
                both are continuous (with and without jitter and weighting 
        describe relationships between more than two variables...

However, the gallery idea is a very powerful one and being able to scroll through and drill down is a useful trick that M$ have, I grudgingly admit, used well so could we mimic their galleries from Excel as someone has suggested and perhaps mimic the drop down graphics picker in S+ (I no longer have access).

It's not much help but someone could put up the drop down list for newbies coming from SPSS ... ooh, just opened up my copy (11.0.1) and realised there's a gallery there with the following: bar, line, area, pie, high-low, pareto, control, boxplots, error bar, scatter, histogram, normal P-P, normal Q-Q, sequence, autocorrelations, cross-correlations & spectral. Never knew that the was there! The drop down list below that has essentially the same list but with the last three under a sub-heading of "time series" and ROC curves added.

I wonder if someone hosted a wiki for a while at least it would get people contributing code for examples for some of these? The results could transfer to the wonderful graphics gallery as they accumulated. My skills aren't that hot but I'd throw in a few things happily and I'm sure a reward would be hearing of better ways to do things both in terms of coding and in terms of better displays/graphics to use.

Cheers all,


Dr Sander P. Oom
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences,
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa
Tel (work)      +27 (0)11 717 64 04
Tel (home)      +27 (0)18 297 44 51
Fax             +27 (0)18 299 24 64
Web     www.oomvanlieshout.net/sander

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