Victor Gravenholt wrote:
Sorry to bother you about a S-Plus related problem, but I hope someone can help. I have tried to "translate" some code from R to S-Plus (I have colleague that insists on using S-Plus. And yes, I have tried to make him change to R...) The following code works out fine in R, but in S-Plus (S-PLUS 6.2 for Windows Professional Ed.) I get the error message "Problem in est.theta(x): Object "func" not found ". I have tried to keep most of the structure in my original problem (but simplified it!), so the code could seem a bit strange. I suspect that this has something to do with different scoping rules in R and S-Plus, but still I have not found a workable solution in S-Plus.

mainfunc <- function(x){

est <- function(x,par){

func <- function(par,x){

est.theta <- function(x){
   optimize(func,lower=-10, upper=20,x=x)$minimum



x <- 1:10

You need to supply func to est.theta. R uses scoping to find func and est. S-PLUS scoping is defined differently and cannot, so you must assign them to the current frame.

is.R <- !is.null(version$language)
mainfunc <- function(x) {
  est <- function(x, par) {
    abs(sum(par * x))
  func <- function(par, x) {
    est(x, par)
  est.theta <- function(x) {
    optimize(func, lower = -10, upper = 20, x = x)$minimum
  if(!is.R) {
    assign("func", func, frame = 1)
    assign("est", est, frame = 1)


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