Ajay Narottam Shah wrote:

I learned R & MLE in the last few days. It is great! I wrote up my
explorations as


I will be most happy if R gurus will look at this and comment on how
it can be improved.

I have a few specific questions:

* Should one use optim() or should one use stats4::mle()?

 I felt that mle() wasn't adding much value compared with optim, and
 in addition, I wasn't able to marry my likelihood functions to it.

* One very nice feature of mle() is that you can specify a few
 parameters which should be fixed in the estimation. How can one
 persuade optim() to behave like that?

give optim() a function to optimize which do not depend on those parameters ...

* Can one use deriv() and friends to get analytical derivatives of
 these likelihood functions? I found I wasn't able to make headway
 when I was using vector/matrix notation. I think the greatness of R
 lies in a lovely vector/matrix notation, and it seems like a shame
 to have to not use that when trying to do deriv().

* For iid problems, the computation of the likelihood function and
 it's gradient vector are inherently parallelisable. How would one go
 about doing this within R?



Kjetil Halvorsen.

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