I have a huge frame holding holding model results for a number of
locations and time series:

> str(tonedata)
`data.frame':   434 obs. of  339 variables:
 $ VALUE   : int  101 104 105 106 111 118 119 121 122 123 ...
 $ COUNT   : int  2443 184 1539 1016 132 1208 1580 654 864 560 ...
 $ AREA    : num  6.11e+08 4.60e+07 3.85e+08 2.54e+08 3.30e+07 ...
 $ D1_1958 : num  470 446 452 457 407 ...
 $ D2_1958 : num  480 455 461 467 416 ...
 $ D3_1958 : num  493 469 475 480 429 ...
 $ D4_1958 : num  542 517 522 526 475 ...
 $ D5_1958 : num  585 560 565 568 517 ...

I would like to be able to take all values, except the three first
(value, count, area) and be able to plot them. I have managed to make a
subset that looks like what I want, by doing tonedata[11,4:339], but
that data set is not a vector that can be plottet, it is treated like a
set of single values. I tried to use as.vector on the set, bot to no
help. I am probably overlooking somehing quite simple, (not to mention
not really understanding R's data model..) so help would be appreciated.

Morten Sickel
Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority

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