The latter, I want to replicate A enough times to have the same rows
as B. I realize that 16063 is not a mutliple 217, that doesn't really
matter for this problem
Assuming I change the colnames of one of them, how can I create a
matrix C that is the composite of the replicated A with B.

thank you again.

On 7/20/05, Pedro de Barros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please clarify:
> Is there a column of common values that you want to use to merge the two
> matrices together? Or do you just want to replicate matrix A enough times
> to have the same number of rows as B? I could think this was the case, but
> 16063 is not a multiple of 217.
> Anyway, you will have to change the colnames of at least one of them.
> Pedro
> At 18:03 20/07/2005, you wrote:
> >Can someone please refer me to a function or method that resolves this
> >structuring issue:
> >
> >I have two matrices with identical colnames (89), but varying number
> >of observations:
> >
> >matrix A                                matrix B
> >
> >217 x 89                              16063 x 89
> >
> >I want to creat one matrix C that has both matrices adjacent to one
> >another, where matrix A is duplicated many times to create the same
> >row number for matrix B, i.e. 16063.
> >
> >matrixA matrix B
> >matrixA
> >matrixA
> >
> >so matrix C will be 16063 x 178
> >
> >I've tried cbind() and merge() with no success..
> >
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