Yet another approach is to create a postscript file on R for MacOSX and
convert to a windows metafile is:

> postscript("", width=5.0, height=6.0, paper="special")
> xyplot(1~1)

Then, using the "free"/included MacOSX bundled software, GraphicConverter,
convert the just-created postscript file to a WMF, (Windows Metafile
Graphics), format.  (This software has a batch conversion utility for
converting multiple graphs--just select the multiple files and off you go.)
Then, just import the newly converted .wmf files as you normally would into
MS Word/MS Powerpoint.  One (tiny) detail, though, is there is a bit of
cropping you may have to do as the paper size, at least on mine, defaulted
to letter, (which is the default).  The paper size did not restrict itself
to the 5"x6 " I specified earlier, but rather just the image size, (as
advertised in the documentation.)

However, the final printed product is as you wish--quality commensurate with
the Win32 version.

Good luck,

On Aug 4, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Martin Henry H. Stevens wrote:  
> This is a big issue for me, causing many days of angst. I finally  
> stumbled on the following solution. I create a device save an image  
> with postscript(). I then open it in Adobe Acrobat, select the area I  
> want, enlarge to at least 400%, then copy, then paste into PowerPoint  
> or Word. Alternatively, you can simply save a graphics image through  
> the gui and it saves it as pdf. Then go through the steps of selecting,  
> enlarging and copying in Acrobat. I am guessing real graphics programs  
> would work as well (Photoshop or Illustrator), but I don't have those.  
> Hank Stevens  
> On Aug 4, 2005, at 8:03 AM, Weismann_D wrote:  
>> Ist there a possibility on MacOSX to import Graphics into MSOffice  
>> Applications and resize them there without decreased quality? When I  
>> import  
>> via copy&paste I get low quality bitmaps and via import pictures (pdf)  
>> it is  
>> all the same. In the Windows versions of R there is the convienient  
>> way to  
>> use metafile format which can easily be resized in ppt and word. What  
>> is the  
>> equivalent way on MacOSX?  
>> Thanks, Dirk.  
You could try creating a PNG with bitmap() using a high resolution,  
bitmap("test.png", type = "png256", res = 1200)  
plot(1:10, rnorm(10))  
Preview can read the resulting PNG file just fine and the Windows  
version of Office can insert PNGs, displays them well, and allows  
resizing. (I don't have an OS X version of Office so can't test that  
the OS X version would handle the PNGs equally well but I would have to  
assume it does.)  
bitmap() requires Ghostscript which I have installed on my system in  
/usr/local/bin. I'm not sure whether Ghostscript came with OS X or if I  
installed it myself but it's freely available.  
Hope this helps,  
PS I am using the out-of-the-box  
platform powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0  
arch     powerpc  
os       darwin7.9.0  
system   powerpc, darwin7.9.0  
status   Patched  
major    2  
minor    1.0  
year     2005  
month    05  
day      12  
and Ghostscript 8.13 (2003-12-31)  

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