Beth Wilmot wrote:
> Dear list,
> I am trying to write a function that will make a matrix of each row of a data 
> frame (4 columns), calculate a fisher.test on each resulting matrix and 
> assign a vector of the p-values.  I have gotten through making the matrices,  
> but cannot calculate the fisher.test.
> fm<-function(x)
> {dfrow<-nrow(x)
> mm <- vector("list", dfrow)
> for(i in 1:dfrow)
>    mm[[i]] <- matrix(x[i,],nr=2)

If x is a data.frame, x[1,] is also a data.frame.

Try unlist() at first:

     mm[[i]] <- matrix(unlist(x[i,]),nr=2)

Uwe Ligges

> }
> I don't know how to access each mm[[i]] as everything I've tried gives me the 
> error that 
> "Error in fisher.test(mm[[i]]) : all entries of x must be nonnegative and 
> finite"
> All the numbers in the matrices are between 1 and 600.  
> Thanks,
> Beth
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