Do you want to estimate the parameters of a lognormal distribution or 
learn how to do nonlinear regression in R?

          If the former, as far as I know, the best known method is maximum 
likelihood, for which the answer is to compute mean and standard 
deviations of the logs.  This assumes you are talking about the 
2-parameter lognormal.  I don't know the best method for a 3-parameter 
lognormal.  If that's what you want, PLEASE do read the posting guide! 
"";.  Doing so can increase 
the chances of getting a useful reply.

          If you want examples of nonlinear regression, have you considered 
"nls" and "optim"?

          spencer graves

Mark Miller wrote:
> Attached is a copy of my code, the data and the plots obtained by varying 
> terms manually, I was told that nonlinear regression in R could find the 
> values for me, but I am unable to figure how exactly I could implement this.  
> Any help would be very greatly appreciated as I am completely stuck on this 
> problem.
> On Thursday 04 August 2005 13:40, you wrote:
>>It might be good to have an example of your problem.
>>On Aug 4, 2005, at 5:57 AM, Mark Miller wrote:
>>>Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to use the nonlinear
>>>regression to
>>>fit the cumulative lognormal distribution to a number of data
>>>points I have
>>>but I am a new R user and I cant quite decipher the notes on nonlinear
>>>regression.  Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated,
>>>my email
>>>address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> mailing list
>>>PLEASE do read the posting guide!
>>>outPut = read.csv("dataOut2.csv")
>>>arrive = outPut[1]
>>>register = outPut[2]
>>>complete = outPut[3]
>>>IAT = 0
>>>TTR = 0
>>>TTC = 0
>>>TFR = 0
>>>cnt = 1
>>>for(i in array(2:dim(arrive)[1]))
>>>     temp = outPut[i,3]-outPut[i,2]
>>>     if(temp > 0)
>>>     {
>>>             IAT[cnt] = outPut[i,1]-outPut[i-1,1]
>>>             TTR[cnt] = outPut[i,2]-outPut[i,1]
>>>             TFR[cnt] = outPut[i,3]-outPut[i,2]
>>>             cnt = cnt + 1
>>>     }
>>>cumIAT = IAT/sum(IAT)
>>>for(i in array(2:length(IAT)))
>>>     cumIAT[i] = cumIAT[i-1]+cumIAT[i]
>>>cumIAT[1] = 0
>>>TTR[cnt] = outPut[1,2]-outPut[1,1]
>>>TFR[cnt] = outPut[1,3]-outPut[1,2]
>>># Plot for inter-arrival times
>>>x = seq(0,30,0.01)
>>>plot(ecdf(IAT), do.point=FALSE)
>>>lines(x, pexp(x,0.4))
>>># rexp(100,0.21)
>>>x = seq(0,20,0.01)
>>>plot(ecdf(TTR), do.point=FALSE)
>>>lines(x, plnorm(x,1,0.7))
>>># rlnorm(100,1,0.7)
>>># Plot for Time to complete from registered
>>>x = seq(0,30,0.01)
>>>plot(ecdf(TFR), do.point=FALSE)
>>>lines(x*600, pbeta(x,1.4,4.3))
>>># rbeta(100,1.6,5)*600
>>># Find the position with the leat time and hence the next avaliable ambulance
>>>minimum = function(toFind)
>>>     min = 0;
>>>     pos = 0;
>>>     for(i in array(1:length(toFind)))
>>>     {
>>>             if(i == 1)
>>>             {
>>>                     min = toFind[i]
>>>                     pos = i
>>>             }
>>>             else
>>>             {
>>>                     if(toFind[i] < min)
>>>                     {
>>>                             min = toFind[i]
>>>                             pos = i
>>>                     }
>>>             }
>>>     } 
>>>     pos
>>>ambsReq = 0
>>>numAmbs = 0
>>>numberAmbs = 0
>>>avgWait = 1
>>>numberAmbs2 = 0
>>>avgWaitTime2 = 0
>>>avgWaitTime = 0
>>>counter = 0
>>>counter2 = 1
>>>cntO = 1
>>>for(i in array(1:50))
>>>     while(avgWait > 0)
>>>     {
>>>             counter = counter + 1
>>>             numAmbs = numAmbs + 1
>>>             numberAmbs[counter] = numAmbs
>>>             numCalls = 1
>>>             ambs = array(c(array(0,numAmbs)), dim=c(numAmbs,numCalls))
>>>             waitTime = ambs
>>>             totalTime = ambs
>>>             currTime = 0
>>>             timeTS = 0
>>>             IotherAT = 0
>>>             TotherTR = 0
>>>             for(i in array(1:500))
>>>             {
>>>                     #interAT = IAT(ceil(rand()*length(IAT)));
>>>                     interAT = rexp(1,0.21)
>>>                     #timeTR = TTR(ceil(rand()*length(TTR)));
>>>                     timeTR = rlnorm(1,1,0.7)
>>>                     #timeFR = TFR(ceil(rand()*length(TFR)));
>>>                     timeFR = rbeta(1,1.4,4.3)*600
>>>                     IotherAT[i] = interAT
>>>                     TotherTR[i] = timeTR
>>>                     currTime = currTime + interAT
>>>                     pos = minimum(totalTime)
>>>                     if(ambs[pos,numCalls] != 0)
>>>                     {
>>>                             numCalls = numCalls + 1
>>>                             ambs = array(c(ambs,array(0,numAmbs)), 
>>> dim=c(numAmbs,numCalls))
>>>                             waitTime = array(c(waitTime,array(0,numAmbs)), 
>>> dim=c(numAmbs,numCalls))
>>>                             if(totalTime[pos] > currTime)
>>>                                     waitTime[pos,numCalls] = totalTime[pos] 
>>> - currTime
>>>                             totalTime[pos] = totalTime[pos] + interAT + 
>>> timeTR + timeFR
>>>                             ambs[pos,numCalls] = interAT + timeTR + timeFR
>>>                     }
>>>                     else
>>>                     {
>>>                             for(i in array(1:numCalls))
>>>                             {
>>>                                     if(ambs[pos,i] == 0)
>>>                                     {
>>>                                             if(totalTime[pos] > currTime)
>>>                                                     waitTime[pos,i] = 
>>> totalTime[pos] - currTime
>>>                                             totalTime[pos] = totalTime[pos] 
>>> + interAT + timeTR + timeFR
>>>                                             ambs[pos,numCalls] = interAT + 
>>> timeTR + timeFR
>>>                                             break
>>>                                     }
>>>                             }
>>>                     }
>>>             }
>>>             avgWait = sum(waitTime)/500
>>>             avgWaitTime[counter] = avgWait
>>>             if(numAmbs == 25)
>>>             {
>>>                     avgWaitTime2[cntO] = avgWait
>>>                     numberAmbs2[cntO] = numAmbs
>>>                     cntO = cntO + 1
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>>     postscript("")
>>>     plot(numberAmbs,avgWaitTime,'lines') 
>>>     postscript("")
>>>     plot(numberAmbs2,avgWaitTime2,'lines') 
>>>     ambsReq[counter2] = numAmbs
>>>     numAmbs = 0
>>>     numberAmbs = 0
>>>     avgWait = 1
>>>     avgWaitTime = 0
>>>     counter = 0
>>>     counter2 = counter2 +1
>>>     cntO = 1
>>>     numberAmbs2 = 0
>>>     avgWaitTime2 = 1
>>>TotherFR = 0
>>>cnt = 1
>>>for(i in array(1:dim(ambs)[1]))
>>>     for(j in array(1:dim(ambs)[2]))
>>>     {
>>>             if(ambs[i,j] != 0)
>>>             {
>>>                     TotherFR[cnt] = ambs[i,j]
>>>                     cnt = cnt +1
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>> mailing list
>>>PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Spencer Graves, PhD
Senior Development Engineer
PDF Solutions, Inc.
333 West San Carlos Street Suite 700
San Jose, CA 95110, USA

Tel:  408-938-4420
Fax: 408-280-7915

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