I am trying to use the RSvgDevice package to produce some SVG graphs which I 
want to edit with Inkscape 0.42.
Under Linux (Kubuntu 5.04) I use the following:

plot(1:10, 1:10)
devSVG(file = "/home/adi/Rplots.svg", width = 10, height = 8,
bg = "white", fg = "black", onefile=TRUE, xmlHeader=TRUE)

but when I tried to load the file into Inkscape it complained about finding an 
empty file.

Then I tried the example by:

plot(1:11,(-5:5)^2, type='b', main="Simple Example Plot")

and then again

devSVG(file = "/home/adi/Rplots.svg", width = 10, height = 8,
bg = "white", fg = "black", onefile=TRUE, xmlHeader=TRUE)

with the same result.
Could you please point me to the right direction, please?
Thank you in advance,

Adrian Dusa
Romanian Social Data Archive
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