Sorry for the confusing term, just as Prof Ripley mentioned, I am referring to 
do the integration via quasi-random number. Thanks.


Best regards,


Prof Brian Ripley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I suspect you mean `Quasi-Monte Carlo', but that is used to do integration 
not simulation.

Using led ne to

Low Discrepancy Sequences
QUnif(sfsmisc) Quasi Randum Numbers via Halton Sequences

both of which generate the integration points for Quasi-Monte Carlo.

On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Zhao Yang wrote:

> Dear Listers;
> Does anybody has experience in doing simulation via Qusi-Monte carlo in 
> R or S-plus, if so, could you like to send a small copy of your program 
> to me, I appreciate and thanks in advance!!
> Frankly speaking, I am struggling to write this kind of program, while I 
> could not figure out, painful!!!!!
> Best regards,
> Tony

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Brian D. Ripley, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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