On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 17:13 +0200, richard mendes wrote:
> hello everybody
> i'm very new at using R so probably this is a very stupid question.
> I have a problem calculating a p-value. When i do this with excel i
> can use the method CHIDIST for 1.2654 with 1 freedom degree i get the
> answer 0.261
> i just want to do the same thing in R but i can't find a method.
> can somebody help me
> friendly regards
> richard

> pchisq(1.2654, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0.2606314

See ?pchisq for more information.

You might also want to read Chapter 8 "Probability Distributions" in "An
Introduction To R", available with your R installation or from the
Documentation links on the main R web site.


Marc Schwartz

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