Em Ter 25 Out 2005 15:24, Doran, Harold escreveu:
> There is an issue with implicit nesting in lmer. In your lme() model you
> nest block/irrigation/density/fertilizer. In lmer you need to do something
> like (I dind't include all of your variables, but I think the makes the
> point)
> lmer(yield~irrigation*density*fertilizer+(1|fertilizer:density)+(1|density)
>, data)
> Which notes that fertilizer is nested in density.
> Try this and then compare the results.

It dont work.

I dont understand the basic output.

Independently of the nested model defined, the denom are 54.

My doubt, the denom in anova(lmer) table is the densDF in anova(lme) table?

I looking for a corrected DF for each nest variable, but it show a common DF 
for all variables.

Exist more documentation about lmer?

A primeira impressão é a que fica, mas só se o toner for bom.
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