Hello.  I am having a problem setting up a self-starting function for
use in nonlinear regression (and eventually in the mixed model version).
The function is a non-rectangular hyperbola - called "NRhyperbola" -
which is used for fitting leaf photosynthetic rate to light intensity.
It has one independent variable (Irr) and four parameters (theta, Am,
alpha and Rd).  I have created this to act as a self-starting function.
The self-starting function seems to work (i.e. when I call "getInitial"
it provides the initial values), but I can't get it to work when used
within "nls".  Here is an example:




        theta            Am         alpha            Rd 

 0.5021546914  3.7466359015  0.0005743723 -3.0685671752


So, "getInitial" succeeds in extracting the initial values from the




Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "theta" not found


But the call to "nls" does not find the parameter theta, even though the
call "getInitial" did find it and returned its initial value.


I am working from the Pinheiro & Bates book on mixed-effects models in S
and S-PLUS.  According to that book (p. 346): "When nls is called
without initial values for the parameters and a self-start model
function is provided, nls calls getInitial to provide the initial


Two questions:


1)       what am I doing wrong?

2)       When a self-Starting model is called from within nlsList or
nlme, is getInitial only called one (to get the values ignoring any
hierarchical structure in the data) or is it called for each group?




Bill Shipley


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