Dear R list,

I'm having some problems with font encodings when using R+Sweave+Latex in my 
native language: Portuguese.

My environment:
Kubuntu 5.10 Linux
$> uname -a
Linux nassa 2.6.12-9-686 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:25:32 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

R> R.version
platform i486-pc-linux-gnu
arch     i486             
os       linux-gnu        
system   i486, linux-gnu  
major    2                
minor    1.1              
year     2005             
month    06               
day      20               
language R  
R> Sys.getlocale()
R> localeToCharset()
[1] "ISO8859-1"

Here is a small example trying to replicate my problems:




Isto é uma experiência.

\caption{Distribuição dos valores percentuais.}


The problem occurs when I Sweave this file using the command:
R> Sweave('exp.Rnw')

The generated exp.tex file gets these contents:



Isto é uma experiência.

\caption{Distribuição dos valores percentuais.}


All Portuguese  characters were "spoiled".  So apparently the Sweave function 
is "translating" my original font encoding

I suspect that this is a problem related to the recent internationalization 
changes in R, as this same file/process was previously (around a year ago I 
think) working correctly for me.

I've read several documentation on these internationalization issues in R and 
browsed the mailing list. As a result, because initially I didn't have R 
working with the pt_PT.utf-8 locale, I've installed the PT language support 
package for my OS, expecting that this would solve the "problem".  Apparently 
I'm missing something else, so I wonder if someone could give me a hint on 
how to solve this.

Luis Torgo

Luis Torgo
    FEP/LIACC, University of Porto   Phone : (+351) 22 339 20 93
    Machine Learning Group           Fax   : (+351) 22 339 20 99
    R. de Ceuta, 118, 6o             email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    4050-190 PORTO - PORTUGAL        WWW   :

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