
Attached is the file  (SR_use2.txt) I'd like to include and includes
column headers.  nat_est is the response variable and is the number of
species at a particular point.  The other variables are the explanatory
vars (vark, var2, var1, UK, U2, U1, GK, G2, G1, PK, P2, P1).  

Here is Walsh's sample code for hier.part:

env <- urbanwq[,2,8]
hier.part(urbanwq$lec, env, fam="gaussian", gof="Rssqu")

The code I wrote is 

SRUSE<- read.table("F:\\GEORGIA\\species_richness\\SR_use2.txt", sep="
", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
TEMP<- SRUSE[2:13]
hier.part(SRUSE$nat_est,TEMP, family="NegBin", gof="logLik", barplot=

So far this doesn't work and I'd really appreciate some help.

While I have your ears, what books would one make for the clueless?  

Many thanks,


PS. nat_est is the estimated number of species (species richness). 
Around each of the sampling points I calculated the % of different types
of cover (pine, hardwoods, number of different covers) in three scales
around the sampling points (1000, 200, and 100 m).  What I'm hoping to
do with the analysis is to find the best scales and parameters that best
predicts species richness. 

Jeffrey A. Stratford, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
331 Funchess Hall
Department of Biological Sciences
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849
FAX 334-844-9234
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