Dear list,

I have a problem with a toy example:
mtrx <- matrix(c(1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1), nrow=3)
rownames(ma) <- letters[1:3]

I would like to determine which is the minimum combination of rows that 
"covers" all columns with at least a 1.
None of the rows covers all columns; all three rows clearly covers all 
columns, but there are simpler combinations (1st and the 3rd, or 2nd and 3rd) 
which also covers all columns.

I solved this problem by creating a second logical matrix which contains all 
possible combinations of rows:
tt <- matrix(as.logical(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1)), nrow=3)

and then subset the first matrix and check if all columns are covered.
This solution, though, is highly inneficient and I am certain that a 
combination of apply or something will do.


possibles <- NULL
length.possibles <- NULL
## I guess the minimum solution is has half the number of rows
guesstimate <- floor(nrow(tt)/2) + nrow(tt) %% 2
checked <- logical(nrow(tt))
repeat {
    ifelse(checked[guesstimate], break, checked[guesstimate] <- TRUE)
    partials <- as.matrix(tt[, colSums(tt) == guesstimate])
    layer.solution <- logical(ncol(partials))
    for (j in 1:ncol(partials)) {
        if (length(which(colSums(mtrx[partials[, j], ]) > 0)) == ncol(mtrx)) {
            layer.solution[j] <- TRUE
    if (sum(layer.solution) == 0) {
        if (!is.null(possibles)) break
        guesstimate <- guesstimate + 1
    } else {
        for (j in which(layer.solution)) {
            possible.solution <- rownames(mtrx)[partials[, j]]
            possibles[[length(possibles) + 1]] <- possible.solution
            length.possibles <- c(length.possibles, length(possible.solution))
        guesstimate <- guesstimate - 1
final.solution <- possibles[which(length.possibles == min(length.possibles))]


More explicitely (if useful) it is about reducing a prime implicants chart in 
a Quine-McCluskey boolean minimisation algorithm. I tried following the 
original algorithm applying row dominance and column dominance, but (as I am 
not a computer scientist), I am unable to apply it.

If you have a better solution for this, I would be gratefull if you'd share 
Thank you in advance,

Adrian DUSA
Romanian Social Data Archive
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