nkpartitions <- function(n, k, exact=FALSE, print=FALSE) {
# n objects
# k subgroups
# exactly k or at most k?
# print results as they are found?

   if (n != floor(n) | n<=0) stop("n must be positive integer")
   if (k != floor(k) | k<=0) stop("k must be positive integer")
   if (print) {
     printnkp <- function(a) {
       for (j in seq(max(a))) cat("{", seq(along=a)[a==j], "} ");

# How many?
   Stirling2nd <- function(n, k) {
     sum((-1)^seq(0,k-1) * choose(k, seq(0,k-1)) * (k-seq(0,k-1))^n) / 

   rows <- Stirling2nd(n,k)
   if (!exact & k>1) {
     for (i in seq(k-1,1)) {
       rows <- rows + Stirling2nd(n,i)

   if (print) cat("rows =",rows,"\n")

# Allocate space
   theparts <- matrix(NA, nrow=rows, ncol=n)

# begin counting
   howmany <- 0

# all in one group
   a <- rep(1,n)

# does this count?
   if (!exact | (k==1)) {
# increase count, store, and print
     howmany <- howmany + 1
     theparts[howmany,] <- a
     if (print) printnkp(a)

# search for others
   repeat {

# start at high end
     last <- n
     repeat {

# increment it if possible
       if ((a[last] <= max(a[1:(last-1)])) & (a[last] < k)) {
         a[last] <- a[last]+1

# does this count?
         if (!exact | max(a)==k) {
# increase count, store, and print
           howmany <- howmany + 1
           theparts[howmany,] <- a
           if (print) printnkp(a)
# start again at high end.

# otherwise set to 1 and move to a different object
       a[last] <- 1
       if (last>2) {
         last <- last-1

# report the partitions


Dr Christopher Andrews
University at Buffalo, Department of Biostatistics
242 Farber Hall
716 829 2756

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