I realized that I may not have answered the question you were asking and that 
no one else has responded.  I can across a similar problem and may have an 
answer to your question now.  If you have both the wavelet coefficients and the 
scaling coefficients then create a fake sequence of the same length as the 
original and decompose that sequence using wd form wavethersh with the same 
wavelet family and filter that was used to decompose the data.  Then you can 
replace the wavelet coefficients and the scaling coefficients using putC and 
putD from wavethresh.  This will leave you with a wd object that you can then 
reconstruct using wr from wavethresh.  I hope this works and is still useful to 
  Elizabeth Lawson

Elizabeth Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 08:04:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Elizabeth Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [R] Wavelet reconstruction
To: Amir Safari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Using wavethresh you can recompose a decompose signal using wr.
  Here is an example of decomposing, thresholding and recomposing a signal.
plot(x,brain,xlab="Voxel",ylab="Activity",main="fMRI Data")

  wdbrain<-wd(brain,4,family="DaubExPhase", bc="periodic")
  thres2<-threshold(wdbrain,levels=3:(wdbrain$nlevels-1), type="soft",
    policy="manual", by.level=FALSE, value=7.32032, dev=var, boundary=FALSE,
    verbose = getOption("verbose"), return.threshold=F)
thr2 <- wr(thres2)
plot(x,brain, col = "slateblue",xlab="Voxel",ylab="Activity",main="Wavelet 
mtext("N=4, Threshold=7.32032") 
lines(x, thr2, col=  "violetred" , lwd=2,type="l")

  Good Luck!!
  Elizabeth Lawson

Amir Safari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi There, I tried to find a function in {waveslim} or {wavethresh} in order 
to reconstruct the decomposed signals. As far as I found there is no function 
in {waveslim} to reconstruct decomposed data. The function wr{wavethresh} 
reconstructs the results of wd function. Apart from its limitations ( for 
example the length of vector must be power of 2 ) it apparently doesn't work 
with the functions and objects in waveslim.
What could help ?
So many thanks for your any idea.
Amir Safari


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