Teresa Nelson
> Hi there,
> I can get the for-loop to work, I can get the while loop to work.  But
> can't get a for loop to work nested within the while loop - why?
> Please help,
> Teresa

It actually does work, but I think the problem is with your matrix
indexing.  See the sample below.  

You could also check out ?seq, ?rep, and ?apply for solving this problem
with fewer lines of code.

 n.max <- 300
 NUM <- 25
 n.sim <- 10 
 j <- (n.max/NUM)*n.sim
 results <- matrix(0, nrow=j, ncol=2)
 while(NUM <= n.max){
 for(i in 1:n.sim){
 k <- (NUM/25)*i
 results[((NUM / 25) - 1) * n.sim + i, 1] <- k
 results[((NUM / 25) - 1) * n.sim + i, 2] <- NUM
 cat("Iteration", i, ": NUM=", NUM, "k=", k, "\n")
 NUM <- NUM + 25
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