Jean-Christophe BOUETTE wrote:
>>From: "Arin Basu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: 8 Jan 2006 19:18:17 -0000
>>Subject: [R] wicked wikis for R
>>>Message: 41
>>>Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2006 13:52:33 +1100
>>>From: paul sorenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: Re: [R] Wikis etc.
>>>To: Frank E Harrell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,     r-help
>>>      <>
> -snip-
>>Among others, here's one long-term benefit for the newbies. Instead of people 
>>getting admonished/thrashed with harsh expressions/advices like "go see the 
>>mailing list publishing etiquettes", or "you should search the archives and 
>>help files, and read all manuals, and ask others first before posting 
>>here..." (which can turn away many a newcomer from posting or using the 
>>mailing list or using R for that matter), wiki could make life a little easy 
>>for newbies/less experienced who could then receive more polite one liners 
>>like, "please check the wikipages...", or "solution #xyz in the wikipages for 
>>the solution".
> Sorry, I don't get the point here. Some people will keep feeling
> offensed when they're just told to read the man/wiki pages, and others
> will simply change their answers from RTFM to RTFW.
> Nobody can force people into reading the manuals, or reading the
> posting guide. This is definitely one problem that the wiki will not
> solve.
> I like the idea of the wiki, but we have to consider pragmatically,
> not as a panacea from problems beyond its scope.

That would be an excellent comment if people seeking help were paying 
for a service.  But they are not.


> Regards,
> Jean-Christophe Bouëtté.

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair           School of Medicine
                      Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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