Chang Shen <Chang_Shen <at>> writes:

> I am new to R.  I try to search the web but could not find the answer so I
> post it here asking for help.

Broad web searches may not be as helpful as following the advice in the posting

Following the advice to "Do"keyword") with different keywords (type
this at the R prompt)" would have led you to the help page for 'levels'. More on
this below.

> I have a csv file looks like this: (between two ==== lines)
> ===========================
> Machine Name,"Resource, Type","Resource, Sub-type","Resource,

The line wrapping here and below makes it harder for folks to help you!!

> Instance",Date,,Data ->,,,,,,
> ,0.041666667,,,,,,,,,,,
> Time (HH:MM) ->,,,,,,0:00,0:15,0:30,0:45,1:00,1:15,1:30
> SCINFR06,Cache,Copy Read Hits %,,10-Jan-06,Cache->Copy Read Hits
> %,0.99,1,1,1,1,1,0.99
> SCINFR06,Cache,Data Map Hits %,,10-Jan-06,Cache->Data Map Hits
> %,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
> Time (HH:MM) ->,,,,,,0:00,0:15,0:30,0:45,1:00,1:15,1:30
> SCINFR06,LogicalDisk,% Disk Read Time,C:,10-Jan-06,LogicalDisk->% Disk Read
> Time->C:,2.14,1.52,1.94,1.68,2.52,2.05,2.66
> SCINFR06,LogicalDisk,% Disk Read Time,D:,10-Jan-06,LogicalDisk->% Disk Read
> Time->D:,0.04,0,0,0.08,0,0,0
> SCINFR06,LogicalDisk,% Disk Read
> Time,HarddiskVolume1,10-Jan-06,LogicalDisk->% Disk Read
> Time->HarddiskVolume1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
> SCINFR06,LogicalDisk,% Disk Read Time,_Total,10-Jan-06,LogicalDisk->% Disk
> Read Time->_Total,0.72,0.51,0.65,0.59,0.84,0.68,0.89
> ==============================
> First I load it by read.table call:
> myArray <- read.table("c:/mydata.csv",sep=",");

Was the first row intended as a 'header'. If so, 

 myArray <- read.table("c:/mydata.csv", sep="," , header=TRUE )

might be a better start.

FYI, 'myArray' is not an array:

R > is.array(myArray)

If this surprises you, you need to review the read.table help page and the "R
Data Import/Export Manual" Chapter 2.

> After this,  the array element myArray[1,2] looks like this
> >myArray[1,2]
> [1] Resource, Type
> Levels:  0.041666667 Cache LogicalDisk Resource, Type
> Here are the questions:
> (1) What does Levels mean?

It looks like the 'levels' attribute printed in a formaated style:

R > levels( myArray[,2] )
[1] ""               "0.041666667"    "Cache"          "LogicalDisk"   
[5] "Resource, Type"

> (2) When I try to split the string "Resource, Type", which is myArray[1,2],

myArray[1,2] is NOT a 'string'.

R > is.character( myArray[1,2] )

but it is a 'factor':

R > class( myArray[1,2] )
[1] "factor"

> using function strsplit(), I got error:
> > w<-strsplit(myArray[1,2],",")
> Error in strsplit(x, as.character(split), as.logical(extended),
> as.logical(fixed),  :
>         non-character argument in strsplit()
> Then I tried this:
> > y<-myArray[1,2]
> > y
> [1] Resource, Type
> Levels:  0.041666667 Cache LogicalDisk Resource, Type
> > w<-strsplit(y,",")
> Error in strsplit(x, as.character(split), as.logical(extended),
> as.logical(fixed),  :
>         non-character argument in strsplit()
> But the following call does not cause any error.
> >  y<-"Resource, Type"
> > w<-strsplit(y,",")
> > w
> [[1]]
> [1] "Resource" " Type"
> what is wrong?

You need to convert the 'factor' object to a 'character' object:

R > strsplit( as.character( myArray[1,2] ), "," )
[1] "Resource" " Type"   

> Thanks
> Chang
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