Before I forget, found the working recipe for "rbugs".  My mistake
before was not
realzing that the n.iter value is total iterations, including burnin,
and so by setting
n.iter=1000 and n.burnin=1000, I was leaving 0 iterations for the updates.

### Paul Johnson 2006-01-18. This does work!
### Works in Fedora Core 4 Linux with wine-0.9.5 and WinBUGS-1.4.1
### (that's patched Winbugs 1.4).  The first part is from Andrew Gelman's
### web site, but is basically
### same as rbugs example code.

schools <- read.table ("schools.dat", header=T)
J <- nrow(schools)
y <- schools$estimate
sigma.y <- schools$sd
data <- list ("J", "y", "sigma.y")
inits <- function() {list (theta=rnorm(J,0,100),
mu.theta=rnorm(1,0,100), sigma.theta=runif(1,0,100))}
parameters <- c("theta", "mu.theta", "sigma.theta")


# Note that n.iter-n.burnin = N of observations collected in CODA
schools.sim <- rbugs ( data,
                      n.chains = 1,
                      n.iter = 30000,
                      n.burnin = 1000,
                      n.thin = 1,

myResults <- getBugsOutput(workingDir =
"/home/pauljohn/.wine/fake_windows/temp", n.chains=1)
# Creates an ordinary data frame:

# Another way to retrieve text file data. using coda library
c1 <- read.coda("coda1.txt",
# That creates a much more complicated mcmc data structure, however.
# But the output is pretty nice! And there are diagnostic functions



### need more chains to run gelman.diag

###Note R2WinBUGS has a "read.bugs" command very similar. I suspect it
### work like a simple wrapper around the read.coda function

c2 <- read.bugs("/home/pauljohn/.wine/fake_windows/temp/coda1.txt")




On 1/17/06, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks!  Let me ask this question again.  Clearly, if you experts
> can't make R talk to WinBUGS, then I can't either.  So, If "bugs()"
> doesn't work, What is the next best thing?
> With wine, I can run OpenBUGS and WinBUGS, but I cannot send jobs from
> R to a BUGS program (still trying, some people say they have seen
> rbugs work in Linux).
> I want to follow along with the instructions In Prof Gelman's site for
> R2WinBUGS.  OR the examples in the rbugs package.  I just noticed that
> rbugs works by writing the data, model, inits, and so forth into text
> files, along with a script that drives WinBUGS.  Although there is
> something wrong with the script file that causes a fatal WinBUGS
> crash, I have just manually started the GUI and pointed and clicked my
> way to a working set of  BUGS estimates (see details on script flaw
> and trap below).
> That makes me feel a bit confident that I will be able to create
> working BUGS sims and get results.  I need to learn how to bring into
> R from CODA output.  In the WinBUGS output, I find a codaIndex.txt
> file that looks promising.
> Now, about efforts to run WinBUGS from within R. In case other people
> are trying this, here is what I learned.
> 1. bugs() from R2WinBUGS to WinBUGS14 under wine-0.9.5 is not able to
> start WinBUGS14.exe
> I've just tried the newest example from
> with WinBUGS14 under wine.
> WinBUGS never shows on the screen before the error appears:
> > library(R2WinBUGS)
> > schools <- read.table ("schools.dat", header=T)
> > J <- nrow(schools)
> > y <- schools$estimate
> > sigma.y <- schools$sd
> > data <- list ("J", "y", "sigma.y")
> > inits <- function() {list (theta=rnorm(J,0,100), mu.theta=rnorm(1,0,100), 
> > sigma.theta=runif(1,0,100))}
> > parameters <- c("theta", "mu.theta", "sigma.theta")
> > schools.sim <- bugs (data,
> +                      inits,
> +                      parameters,
> +                      "schools.bug",
> +             = "/usr/local/share/WinBUGS14/",
> +                      n.chains=3,
> +                      n.iter=1000,
> +                      useWINE= T,
> +                      WINE = "/usr/bin/wine"
> +                      )
> Loading required package: tools
> Error in pmatch(x, table, duplicates.ok) :
>         argument is not of mode character
> Humphf!
> I tried running this under debug, but can't understand the output. I
> get through about 8 steps, when bugs.script() seems to cause the
> error:
> Browse[1]> n
> debug: bugs.script(, n.chains, n.iter, n.burnin, n.thin,
>, new.model.file, debug = debug, is.inits = !is.null(inits),
>     bin = bin, DIC = DIC, useWINE = useWINE)
> Browse[1]> n
> Error in pmatch(x, table, duplicates.ok) :
>         argument is not of mode character
> 2. With the "rbugs" package and WinBUGS14, I get a lot further.  From
> fumbling around in this code, I can tell that rbugs writes text files
> in the working directory and then tells WinBUGS to start and access
> those files.  This code causes the WinBUGS GUI to pop up and it goes
> pretty far. Using the exact same code as in the R2WinBUGS example
> above, observe:
> library(rbugs)
> schools.sim <- rbugs ( data,
>                       inits,
>                       parameters,
>                       "schools.bug",
>                       n.burnin = 1000, n.chains=1, n.iter=1000,
>                       workingDir="/home/pauljohn/.wine/fake_windows/temp",
>                       bugs="/usr/local/share/WinBUGS14/WinBUGS14.exe",
> bugsWorkingDir="z:/home/pauljohn/.wine/fake_windows/temp",
>                       useWine=TRUE,
>                       wine="/usr/bin/wine",
>                       debug=F)
> As I said, the WinBUGS14 window opens, the log file says
> display(log)
> check(z:/home/pauljohn/.wine/fake_windows/temp/model.txt)
> model is syntactically correct
> data(z:/home/pauljohn/.wine/fake_windows/temp/data.txt)
> data loaded
> compile(1)
> model compiled
> inits(1,z:/home/pauljohn/.wine/fake_windows/temp/init1.txt)
> model is initialized
> gen.inits()
> command #Bugs:gen.inits cannot be executed (is greyed out)
> beg(1001)
> thin.updater(1)
> set(theta)
> set(mu.theta)
> set(sigma.theta)
> set(deviance)
> update(1000)
> dic.set()
> update(0)
> stats(*)
> no monitor set
> dic.stats()
> However, after all that up pops a window called "TRAP"  (pasted next).
>  I believe this is going wrong becuase the fourth-to-last line is
> update(0).  If I manually change that to update(30000), then the
> script does not crash.  So there's something wrong in rbugs in taking
> "n.iter" into the script.  I'll try to follow that up.
> Here's the TRAP window output.  I believe it is much ado about
> nothing--update(0) is causing it.
> undefined real result
>  MonitorsSummary.StdMonitor.Mean   [000002FBH]
>         .mean   REAL    2.121995790965272E-314
>         .monitor        MonitorsSummary.StdMonitor      [0113F3F0H]
>  DeviancePlugin.EstimatedMeans   [000003FBH]
>         .cursor GraphStochastic.List    [01145FE0H]
>         .i      INTEGER 0
>         .j      INTEGER 2143872776
>         .list   GraphStochastic.List    [01145FE0H]
>         .node   GraphStochastic.Node    [01044600H]
>         .size   INTEGER 1
>         .value  REAL    2.121995790965272E-314
>  DevianceInterface.DICAll   [0000058EH]
>         .dBar   REAL    3.486226116065809E+307
>         .dBarTotal      REAL    3.486184325428448E+307
>         .dHat   REAL    1.856490554558022E-303
>         .dHatTotal      REAL    8.948601956767742E-317
>         .dicTotal       REAL    1.342105535202697E-102
>         .f      TextMappers.Formatter   Fields
>         .i      INTEGER 2143868088
>         .monitors       POINTER [01145ED0H]
>         .num    INTEGER 1
>         .pDTotal        REAL    4.244199150914158E-313
>         .res    INTEGER 0
>  DevianceCmds.DIC   [0000012DH]
>         .asc    INTEGER 104775
>         .dsc    INTEGER 28575
>         .f      TextMappers.Formatter   Fields
>         .height INTEGER 16821552
>         .lines  INTEGER 553779732
>         .res    INTEGER 0
>         .t      TextModels.Model        [01145E50H]
>         .title  ARRAY 256 OF CHAR       "DIC"
>         .width  INTEGER 114300
>  StdInterpreter.CallProc   [0000047AH]
>         .a      BOOLEAN FALSE
>         .b      BOOLEAN FALSE
>         .c      BOOLEAN FALSE
>         .i      Meta.Item       Fields
>         .imported       ARRAY 256 OF CHAR       ""   ...
>         .importing      ARRAY 256 OF CHAR       ""   ...
>         .mn     Meta.Name       "DevianceCmds"
>         .mod    StdInterpreter.Ident    "DevianceCmds"
>         .object ARRAY 256 OF CHAR       ""   ...
>         .ok     BOOLEAN TRUE
>         .parType        INTEGER 3
>         .pn     Meta.Name       "DIC"
>         .proc   StdInterpreter.Ident    "DIC"   ...
>         .res    INTEGER 0
>         .v      StdInterpreter.ProcVal  Fields
>         .vi     StdInterpreter.ProcIVal Fields
>         .vii    StdInterpreter.ProcIIVal        Fields
>         .vr     StdInterpreter.ProcRVal Fields
>         .vri    StdInterpreter.ProcRIVal        Fields
>         .vrii   StdInterpreter.ProcRIIVal       Fields
>         .vrr    StdInterpreter.ProcRRVal        Fields
>         .vrri   StdInterpreter.ProcRRIVal       Fields
>         .vrrii  StdInterpreter.ProcRRIIVal      Fields
>         .vrs    StdInterpreter.ProcRSVal        Fields
>         .vrsi   StdInterpreter.ProcRSIVal       Fields
>         .vrsii  StdInterpreter.ProcRSIIVal      Fields
>         .vs     StdInterpreter.ProcSVal Fields
>         .vsi    StdInterpreter.ProcSIVal        Fields
>         .vsii   StdInterpreter.ProcSIIVal       Fields
>         .vsr    StdInterpreter.ProcSRVal        Fields
>         .vsri   StdInterpreter.ProcSRIVal       Fields
>         .vsrii  StdInterpreter.ProcSRIIVal      Fields
>         .vss    StdInterpreter.ProcSSVal        Fields
>         .vssi   StdInterpreter.ProcSSIVal       Fields
>         .vssii  StdInterpreter.ProcSSIIVal      Fields
>  StdInterpreter.Command   [0000131CH]
>         .left   StdInterpreter.Ident    "DevianceCmds"
>         .ptype  INTEGER 3
>         .right  StdInterpreter.Ident    "DIC"   ...
>  StdInterpreter.CallHook.Call   [00001441H]
>         .ch     CHAR    0X
>         .e      ARRAY 64 OF CHAR        ""   ...
>         .errorMsg       ARRAY 1 OF CHAR ""
>         .f      ARRAY 64 OF CHAR        ""   ...
>         .g      ARRAY 64 OF CHAR        ""   ...
>         .hook   StdInterpreter.CallHook [01060050H]
>         .i      INTEGER 24
>         .i0     INTEGER 0
>         .i1     INTEGER 0
>         .id     StdInterpreter.Ident    "DIC"   ...
>         .par0   Dialog.String   ""   ...
>         .par1   Views.Title     ""   ...
>         .proc   ARRAY 240 OF CHAR       "DevianceCmds.DIC('DIC')"   ...
>         .res    INTEGER 0
>         .s0     Dialog.String   "DIC"
>         .s1     Dialog.String   ""   ...
>         .type   INTEGER 3
>         .x      INTEGER 0
>  Dialog.Call   [00002FC8H]
>         .errorMsg       ARRAY 1 OF CHAR ""
>         .proc   ARRAY 240 OF CHAR       "DevianceCmds.DIC('DIC')"   ...
>         .res    INTEGER 0
>  BugsScript.Call   [00000130H]
>         .bugsCommands   ARRAY 240 OF CHAR       "DevianceCmds.DIC('DIC')"   
> ...
>         .i      INTEGER 23
>         .item   Meta.Item       Fields
>         .j      INTEGER 23
>         .ok     BOOLEAN FALSE
>         .par    Dialog.Par      Fields
>         .pos    INTEGER -1
>         .res    INTEGER 0
>         .s      ARRAY 240 OF CHAR       "DevianceCmds.DIC('DIC')"   ...
>         .scriptCommand  ARRAY 240 OF CHAR       "#Bugs:dic.stats"   ...
>         .start  INTEGER 18
>         .v      BugsScript.RECORD       Fields
>  BugsScript.Action.Do   [0000062FH]
>         .a      BugsScript.Action       [011D2120H]
>         .argNum INTEGER 0
>         .bugsCommands   ARRAY 240 OF CHAR       "DevianceCmds.DIC('DIC')"   
> ...
>         .p      ARRAY 3, 120 OF CHAR    Elements
>         .s      BugsScanners.Scanner    Fields
>         .scriptCommand  ARRAY 240 OF CHAR       "#Bugs:dic.stats"   ...
>         .vectorName     BOOLEAN FALSE
>  Services.Exec   [00000136H]
>         .a      Services.Action [011D2120H]
>         .t      POINTER [21C90170H]
>  Services.IterateOverActions   [000002F4H]
>         .p      Services.Action [011D2120H]
>         .t      POINTER NIL
>         .time   LONGINT 3498
>  Services.StdHook.Step   [0000034DH]
>         .h      Services.StdHook        [0101E380H]
>  HostWindows.Idle   [00004A86H]
>         .focus  BOOLEAN FALSE
>         .tick   Controllers.TickMsg     Fields
>         .w      HostWindows.Window      NIL
>  HostMenus.TimerTick   [00003422H]
>         .lParam INTEGER 0
>         .ops    Controllers.PollOpsMsg  Fields
>         .wParam INTEGER 1
>         .wnd    INTEGER 65574
>  Kernel.Try   [00003A61H]
>         .a      INTEGER 65574
>         .b      INTEGER 1
>         .c      INTEGER 0
>         .h      PROCEDURE       HostMenus.TimerTick
>  HostMenus.ApplWinHandler   [00003841H]
>         .Proc   PROCEDURE       NIL
>         .hit    BOOLEAN Undefined70
>         .lParam INTEGER 0
>         .message        INTEGER 275
>         .res    INTEGER 1180843108
>         .s      ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR  2X   ...
>         .w      INTEGER 538416909
>         .wParam INTEGER 1
>         .wnd    INTEGER 65574
> <system>   (pc=465EDB29H,  fp=7FC8FB00H)
> <system>   (pc=465EE418H,  fp=7FC8FB3CH)
> <system>   (pc=465F1DF0H,  fp=7FC8FB80H)
> <system>   (pc=465BD031H,  fp=7FC8FBB0H)
>  HostMenus.Loop   [00003BDEH]
>         .done   BOOLEAN FALSE
>         .f      SET     {0..5}
>         .n      INTEGER 0
>         .res    INTEGER 0
>         .w      HostWindows.Window      NIL
>  Kernel.Start   [00002B8CH]
>         .code   PROCEDURE       HostMenus.Loop
> 3. Accessing OpenBUGS with wine from "rbugs" gets as far as opening
> the OpenBUGS GUI, but nothing ever appears in the log file and there
> are no computations going on (according to system monitors, anyway),
> but everything in OpenBUGS just seems stuck.
> pj
> On 1/17/06, Uwe Ligges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Paul Johnson wrote:
> > > Thanks, Uwe
> > >
> > > that clears up why I can't make R2WinBUGs work with OpenBUGS and 
> > > WinBUGS1.5 :)
> > > Both work pretty good with Wine in a GUI.  I noticed that when I tried
> > > "rbugs", it does succeed in starting WinBUGS GUI, but then nothing
> > > happens. I'll get WinBUGS1.4 and see what happens.
> > >
> > > In the meanwhile, I'm going to t ry to see what BRugs is good for. In
> > > Linux, when I try to install BRugs, the install fails with an error
> > > saying that, at the current time, BRugs works only in Windows.
> >
> >
> > Yes, I have added that particular line in order not to confuse users,
> > and I thought I told you in my last message that it works only under
> > Windows.
> >
> >
> > > * Installing *source* package 'BRugs' ...
> > > Package 'BRugs' currently only works under Windows.\nIt is supposed to
> > > work under Linux in future releases.
> > >
> > > I'd like to stop that check and see what happens!
> >
> > OK, just remove the configure file.
> >
> >
> > > The way I read the
> > > sourcecode from OpenBUGS and BRugs, I need to replace the windows dll
> > > install and instead put in an so file (as in OpenBUGS).
> >
> > Yes, it is already shipped, and the infrastructure in the package is
> > ready (hopefully), but the file does not work as expected.
> >
> >
> > > If anybody has done this, please let me know of your experience.
> >
> > Yes, several tried, among them Andrew Thomas and Uwe Ligges, and then I
> > invited Andrew Thomas to Dortmund and we tried together (I have to admit
> > that I was clueless all the time and in fact Andrew tried).
> > Andrew's conclusion was that there is some compiler problem on Linux
> > with the BlackBox framework (Component Pascal compiler from Oberon
> > microsystems) in which WinBUGS/OpenBUGS is written in ...
> >
> > If you get it to work, please let us know!
> >
> > Uwe
> >
> --
> Paul E. Johnson
> Professor, Political Science
> 1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
> University of Kansas

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

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